Chapter 7

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"Yeah." Priest answered his phone.  "What!?"  "A body with no head, you say." Priest repeated looking at Axle.  "You don't know where the head is," He paused briefly, "I think we can help you with that."  "We're on our way."

Axle raised his eyebrows to Priest.  "That was Beast, he found a body at Cathedral, it's missing a head."

Axle walked over to Charlie.  "Baby, are you ok?"  "Let me have a look." He mumbled softly.  He examined Charlie's body making sure she wasn't hurt.  Then he engulfed her in his arms.  "I panicked when I heard you scream." "I don't know what I'd do if something ever happened to you." He whispered against her hair.

Charlie tightened her embrace.  "Hawk, Ice, Bas, the Unholy, go with Priest to Cathedral."  "Ink and Capone, check-in at Lotus 8 and the tattoo shop."  "Tank and Spook, go to Ellie's diner and make sure everything is ok." He ordered his men.

"I'm going to take Charlie home." He informed Priest.  "Blake, you're with me...Maddox, stay here."  "Stay on alert." He cautioned the prospect.


Priest and the others stood there in utter shock.  The body was not only missing its head but it was positioned in a sinister way.  "I'm not religious, but that's bad, right?" Bas asked, pointing at the inverted body.

The body was perched upside down with its arms fanned out to the side.  The scene reflected an upside-down cross.  In pop culture, mainly in horror movies, this symbolizes demonic themes.  But the origins meant something completely different.

"It's the Cross of St. Peter."  "It symbolizes the crucifixion of Peter the Apostle." Priest chimed in.  The others looked at him dumbfounded that he would know such information.

"How in the holy hell do you even know that?" Hawk asked curiously.  Priest shrugged his shoulders dismissing Hawk's question.  Staring at him, Hawk wasn't going to let Priest gloss over his question.

"Still waiting on an answer." He gawked.  Priest let out a sight.  "Ok." "I was in theology school before I joined the military." He answered. 

"Wait...are you telling us that Priest almost became a priest?" Ice chuckled at how ridiculous that sounded.  There was nothing about Priest that would indicate he almost became a member of a different gang...a clergyman. 

"It was a lifetime ago."  "And I'm not rehashing any of that, so can we please focus on the dead body." Priest diverting the conversation back to the problem at hand.

"Beast, what the fuck happened?" Priest asked.  "Couldn't tell you."  "I came in to check on everything considering what happened at Plush."  "And I was greeted to this." He pointed to the body.

"Did you check the security footage?" The Unholy asked.  Beast nodded.  "It glitched for 40 minutes."  "I think it was during that time the body was being displayed."

"What about the alarm?"  "Did it not go off?" Hawk asked.  Beast shook his head confirming.  "The alarm never went off."

"How is that possible?"  "Is it broken?" Ice followed up, walking around the body scanning for clues. "That alarm is brand new."  "Axle had it replaced three months ago," Beast answered.

"This shit is getting crazier by the minute." Bas exasperated, slamming his hands against a nearby table.  "There's more," Beast informed.  They all furrowed their eyebrows at him.  Beast pointed to the right forearm of the body.

Priest stepped closer to examine the arm carefully.  His eyes widen when he realized what Beast was pointing at.  There was a Gaelic symbol on top of the forearm with the words "luck of the Irish"tattooed underneath.

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