Chapter 13

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When Charlie didn't answer her phone, Axle went into a tailspin. He had Beast close the club, telling everyone to leave.

"Axle!" Blake yelled running back inside. He held up a cracked phone. "I found this out back behind the club." Axle examined the phone. "It's Charlie's phone."

"Fuck!" Priest shouted. "Beast, what about the security footage?" Axle asked, fighting the urge to burn the entire place down.

Beast shook his head. "The security feed glitched like before." "It shows her going into the restroom, but nothing after that."

"This can't be happening." "This can't be happening." Axle kept repeating pacing around the room.

All of a sudden, they heard a crash. Axle picked up a chair and smashed it against the floor. He began tossing tables over and throwing another chair hitting the mirror behind the bar.

"Axle, stop!" Priest yelled. Axle's chest was heaving rapidly. He was hurt and angry. The most precious thing in his life just vanished without a trace. He looked towards the others. "Get everyone back to the compound right fucking now." "I'm calling church."

Priest called Spook and the others to inform them of Charlie's disappearance.

"How's Axle doing?" Spook asked. "What do you think?" "His ol'lady's missing." "How the fuck would you feel?" Priest replied dryly. "Is there any way you can pull Kate out of there?"

"I'll get Ginger to make an..." Spook began before Maddox hit him on the shoulder. "What the hell, Maddox?" He hissed. "Shut the fuck up and listen." Maddox barked.

"Has she been taken care of? "Venom asked whomever he was talking to over the phone. He nodded with a slight smirk on his face. After hanging up the phone, he turns towards Bianchi and the others. "Little miss brunette is no longer a problem." He informed the others.

"Venom got a call letting him know the brunette is no longer a problem." Spook told his VP. "Jesus Christ, Bianchi had her kidnapped." Priest sighed, ruffling his hair with his hands.

"What do you want us to do?" Bas asked. There was a slight paused before Priest answered him.

"Call Ginger, get Kate out of the room." "We can try tomorrow." "Axle needs everyone back at the compound now." He answered, hanging up the phone.


Charlie was starting to come to. Her head was still in a foggy daze. She felt like she'd been hit by a bulldozer. She slowly opened her eyes, but soon realized the burlap sack over her head casting away any light from wherever she was.

She quickly stiffened when she heard a light rustling of shoes. Charlie tried twisting her wrist from side to side, trying to undo the restraints but was having no luck. She let out an exhausted sigh.

"Best you stop that before you burn your skin off." "Those restraints are not coming off, darling." The mystery voice stated.

She was known to be stubborn. Charlie was not going to simply sit there and not fight her way out. She had to fight her way back to Axle.

Charlie continued twisting her wrist even tugging and pulling. She let out a groan as she desperately pulled her hand.

"I said stop!" The voice angered, gripping his hands over hers.

Charlie hissed as the man squeezed her hands to the point it felt like they were going to break. The man yanks the burlap sack from her head. The lights were blinding causing Charlie to squint her eyes momentarily.

When her vision corrected, she saw her captor. Charlie noticed the LOH patch immediately. It was Whistle, the Sergeant at Arms. But that wasn't the most shocking revelation. Charlie quickly realized she was sitting in an airplane.

Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now