Chapter 41

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Priest cleared the club, letting Mischa and Maggie go home as well as the Harlots. Since Beast was captured, the club was no longer in immediate danger so Axle lifted the lockdown. Cathedral needed to be completely empty besides patched members. Even prospects weren't allowed to witness a Reckoning.

Viper's heavy boots were heard stomping down the wooden stairs. He nodded to Priest and the others. The stairs creaked as more stomps were heard coming down. "What the fuck is my sister doing here?!" "Mom!" He bellowed, looking at his father and uncle utterly confused. 

He marched over to Axle, but Charlie quickly stepped in between them. "I have every right to be here and you know it." She challenged her brother. Viper glanced down at his sister's green eyes that slightly darkened.

"You have no idea what's about to happen down here. You nor mom need to see this." He countered, looking at her then to his mom, who gave a knowing look telling him to back down. Viper took a step back slowly understanding his mother's silent threat.

"Sweetie, we'll stand right over there out of the way." Ellie promised, trying to calm her son. Viper already had a storm brewing in his chest. "Fine, but no interference." Charlie and Ellie nodded.

Axle turned to Charlie. "At any time if this becomes too much, just go back upstairs, ok." She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead before walking over to Priest.

"We still haven't decided how we're handling Stacy," Priest mumbled. Axle looked over at Stacy who was curled up in the corner of the cage still shaking. Before he answered, another set of boots was heard coming down the stairs.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the hospital with Willow?" Ice asked. Ink gave a sinister laugh. "Once I told Willow what happened, she threatened to kick my ass if I didn't come here and make sure those two fuckers," Pointing at Beast and Stacy, "get what's coming to them."

Ice laughed along with the others. "That's our girl."

Axle looked over at Ink and remembered the conversation they had a while back.

"That bitch deserved what she got." Unapologetic for killing Shelley. "I get it, trust me I do. I wanted to strangle her with my bare hands, but we have rules." Axle reminded him.

"Perhaps it's time to change the rules."

Axle then remembered what Viper said.

"I know Menace changed the charter rules, straying from the old ways. But know this, the old way works and it sure as hell would've prevented all this."

Glancing quickly over to Charlie and remembering everything that's happened to her, especially what Damian did to her in Colombia.

"Take them both out and tie them up," He ordered. Priest, Capone, and the others looked at him like they just didn't hear what he said. "Both of them, Stacy, too?" Priest asked, he needed to hear Axle say it so there's no misunderstanding.

"Yes, tie her up."

Stacy started wailing against her restraints when she saw Hawk and Ice moving towards her cage. Tank and The Unholy went towards Beast to get him out. There was no struggle getting Beast out of the cage. The former skull member knew his fate and nothing could change that. He was going to die standing on his own two feet.

Stacy had the opposite sentiment. She didn't want to die and continued to thrash against Hawk's hold, letting out muffled screams through the duct tape.

Both of them were tied spread eagled to a steel contraption that was designed for the Reckoning. Every skull charter had one, but this will be the first time Reno charter will have ever used it.

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