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"Great. Just great I don't see why we're still trying this Dev?" I huffed, sadly trailing behind the girl in front of me.

Devora shook her head and sighed, "Because. It's clear that you cannot follow the simple plan to make nice with Benny so, we just got to go and hope for the best"

"But- but he so started it-

"Shh. Enough. Zip it. Not another peep ok?" She cut me off, pointing a stern finger at me.

I frowned, crossing my arms as I reluctantly nodded and continued to slowly follow behind her.

And soon a few minutes later the entrance to the dusty sandlot came into view, while the loud shouting and cheering from the boys inside grew louder and louder.

Slowly we both approached, looking to each other unsurely before crouching down and peeking through the metal chain link fence.

"If they catch us they're so going to-

"Woah, baby!" Devora cut me off, whispering in astonishment.

"You see that guy, geez he looks even hotter all sweaty, surprisingly?" She continued, pointing out the familiar boy.

Immediately I slapped a hand over my eyes and winced. "Oh my god, Benny? Dev, have you whacked your head on something?"

"If I did then I'll do it a million times over because.. yes, major yes" she replied, nodding her head as she kept her eyes on the boy.

"Ok loony, slurp that drool back into your mouth and hurry up" I ordered, standing back up and wiping off my hands.

"Ugh alright. Ok, what's the plan here?" She questioned, following and standing back up.

"Hm, well you see my plan would've been to not even try and come here but for some reason you-

"Ok ok, enough let's just go" she quickly cut me off, snatching up my arm.

She took ahold of arm and tugged me behind her, walking passed the fence. After a moment her pace slowed when seeing the boys on the field and her face fell, showing clear hesitance now.

"Shit. What do we even say?" She whispered, whipping around towards me in panic.

"I don't know. How about 'you let us play here or you're dead, donezo'. Something like that?" I offered, shrugging my shoulders up and down.

She rolled her eyes, "Ok, you're no help. How about you apologize and we ask nicely?"

"Apologize? Yeah right, over my dead deceased body!" I scoffed, quickly shaking my head in disapproval.

"You're going to have too. Other wise kiss our baseball playing days over!" She defended, firmly grabbing onto my shoulders and shaking them crazily.

"Quit shaking me I swear to god-

"Oh look! It's the two brattiest princesses!" A voice called out

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