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With a grumble my hands roughly searched around the open closet, throwing around a few pieces of clothes here and there.

I stomped over towards the mirror, sighing as I examined myself. Of course I was playing today so I chose a pale light baby tee along with regular baggy jeans. Oh the simplest outfit I've ever worn.

I made my way out of the house and down the sidewalk, swinging my arms back and forth as I hummed to myself.

I continued my walk, passing by a random store when abruptly bumping into a tough chest.

I stumbled back a bit, huffing as I quickly caught myself. Immediately though, my eyes narrowed  once seeing Phillips who stood in front of me.

"Oh great" I muttered, rolling my eyes as I attempted to walk past him.

"Wait, wait" he quickly held his hand out, stepping over to block my way.

I shook my head with a huff, instantly stepping back. "No. I don't want to wait" I grumbled, attempting to walk past him again.

"Just— listen.. I actually kind of wanted to talk you?" He informed, quickly stopping me again.

I crossed my arms, stepping back as I let out a sarcastic laugh. "What? What would you possibly want to talk about besides how much girls can't play baseball?"

He scratched his head unsurely, sighing as he looked down towards the ground. "No.. not exactly that"

"Yeah well, sorry but I don't really care too much to have a conversation with you" I huffed, poking at his chest before attempting to walk off again.

He too huffed, quickly stopping me once again.
"Listen. I.. I just wanted to say I'm sorry alright?"

I stepped back, staring at him for a moment before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

I clapped my hands and wiped off my eyes, abruptly dropping my smile once seeing his still face as he watched me in confusion.

"Oh you're serious? Geez sorry, kind of hard to believe seeing you didn't let me play simply for being a girl huh?" I stated, placing my hands on hips as I pretended to think.

He sighed as he nodded his head understandably. "Yeah.. I know but, really I'm truly sorry"

"What I said was really out of line and.. well I was hoping.. if you'd want to come with me back to my field. I'd really like to see you play?" He offered, hope painted on his face.

I tilted my head, squinting my eyes as I examined him. "Man— what are you on?"

He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Well what do you think my answer is Goldie?" I huffed, crossing my arms as I thought my answer would be obvious.

He rose an eyebrow, hesitantly laughing lightly. "A.. yes?" He hopefully questioned.

I rolled my eyes, uncrossing my arms with a sigh. "Listen. It's a no, not only because I don't really like you very much. No offense but can blame me? But because I heard you and the boys have a little 'feud' going on. I certainly cannot do that to them"

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