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I flipped through the rack of clothes, scanning through the multiple colored and different designed shirts.

I ran a hand through my hair as I slowly walked away and towards a different section, lightly running my fingers over the clothes before digging through them.

I softly hummed to the light sound of music that played throughout the store when pausing once hearing a familiar pair of giggles and snickers from behind me.

I glanced back, immediately rolling my eyes with a grumble once seeing it to be Emily. Not a huge surprise though.

"Awe, did you finally follow my advice on switching from your garbage trashy wardrobe?" Emily questioned, teasingly titling her head.

"Funny" I muttered.

"Speaking of advice. I truly think you should listen to us about the bars. I've noticed you're looking more.. well how should I put this nicely?" She continued with a smug smile growing.

"I mean, I'm sure you've noticed. Have you went up a size?" She added, tapping her chin curiously.

I paused, whirling around towards her. "My god, what's your problem Emily?"

Her eyes narrowed, letting out a disbelieved scoff. "You, you're my problem"

"Well.. I'm sorry but I don't know what you want from me?" I defended, sighing lightly.

"How about.. break up with Benny?"

My mouth fell, a sarcastic laugh leaving. "Oh you're hilarious. That's funny"

Her eyebrows rose. "I don't find it quite amusing? Truly what would he want with a skag like—

"Emily, stop it" a new voice broke in.

I looked over, my brows instantly raising when seeing Jordan who was just making his way over. He held a look of disappointment and he shook his head at the girl.

"Stop that Emily" he repeated, looking at her with annoyance.

Emily simply rolled her eyes and huffed, sending me a small glare before turning away. That only left me to slowly look back towards Jordan and sigh.

"Thanks.." I softly spoke.

Jordan only cracked a small smile and nodded in response. I lightly fiddled with my fingers and cleared my throat, "So.. uh, how've you been?"

"I'm ok, what about you?" Jordan smiled.

"I'm good.. but, I kind of wanted to apologize to you?" I replied, scratching my head.

Now his smile slightly fell, "why?"

"Because.. because well I mean, I think I would want an apology if the person I was dating liked someone else while we were dating?" I explained, laughing unsurely,

He shook his head and brought back his smile. "It's ok. Really—

"I know, I know you say it's ok and it's whatever but really.. I'm sorry. I just feel so terrible, you deserved like so much better than that" I broke in, my head shaking as I softly huffed.

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