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I slowly cracked my eyes open to face the blank white ceiling, I stared up at it for a moment as I regained consciousness from a night of sleep.

I rubbed my eyes, slowly looking over towards the sleeping boy who laid next to me, laying on his stomach with one arm wrapped around his pillow and the other wrapped on top.

I stared at him as his head was dug into the pillow, allowing just half of his face visible. I slowly reached over and tapped his arm lightly.

I glanced over towards the clock, widening my eyes instantly as I shot up from the bed. I quickly reached over and roughly shoved his arm causing him to let out a groan.

"My god what?" He grumbled as his eyes remained closed.

"What do you- get the hell up. It's 7!" I shrieked, shaking his shoulder frantically.

His eyes shot open, though he didn't move his eyebrows knit together. "Huh?"

"Oh my god. Get your damn self up you moron! Hello we're near about to be late to school here on the first day!" I exclaimed, quickly explaining as I threw the blanket off of me and scrambled off the bed.

I quickly made my way towards my closet, throwing around the clothes before snatching onto the correct pieces I had already set the night before.

"You. You, you better be up and ready by the time I'm done. There's a bathroom down the hall" I ordered, pointing a stern finger towards him as I walked past.

I made my way into the bathroom connected to my room, setting my clothes down before ripping open the drawer and taking out a few items I needed.

After about 40 minutes I was finally done, stepping out the room now fully ready as I quickly walked back into the bedroom.

I met with a too, ready Benny who was laid on the bed and throwing up a ball. He stared up at the ceiling before whipping his gaze over once hearing me walk into the room. "Ha! I finished before you" he called.

"Oh shut your mouth and get up" I ordered with a grumble.

I whipped around, snatching onto my bag before walking out of the room and downstairs to meet Andrew and Mom who were both in the kitchen.

Andrew, who sat at the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal rolled his eyes once seeing me. "Oh my god, finally. You're about to make me late here!"

His eyes flickered over, raising his eyebrows once seeing Benny who was coming down the stairs. "Oh.. Lia, you're dead. Dead if I found out you two—

"Shh. Shut up, just shut up and eat your damn cereal!" I cut him off, rolling my eyes as I pushed at his arm.

I quickly dashed over towards the front door, snatching up the shoes that laid right by the door at the entrance.

I walked back into the kitchen, rolling my eyes once seeing Andrew who sat practically staring down Benny while he stood, seemingly fearfully close to Mom as she was cooking.

"God stop it!" I grumbled, smacking the back of  Andrew's head as I walked by.

"Now get up, we've got like 10 minutes to get to school hurry up!" I scolded, standing in front of him and placing my hands onto my hips.

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