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I hummed to myself as I lightly jumped and ran over, sliding into the kitchen with my white tube socks on the wooden floor.

I walked over towards the fridge and opened the door, scanning through the items when hearing someone walk into the room.

"Thalia!" Moms voice called.

"Yes?" I replied, titling my head curiously as I scanned over the foods in the fridge.

"Oh my god- turn the hell around" she scoffed in annoyance.

I turned around, immediately letting out gasp once seeing the black cat in her arms. "Oh my god where was she!" I exclaimed, quickly walking over.

"She was right in our yard Lia, I told you she'd turn up!" She explained, shaking her head at me with a huff.

I took her from mom's arms, holding her up as I placed a kiss onto the top of her head. "Oh my god. How dare you, don't you ever do that again!"

"Yes, yes well.. I think you should be getting ready now" Mom ordered, placing her hands onto her hips as she examined me.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, lightly petting the cat in my arms. "Why?"

"I told you. Aurora and I set up a dinner. Hello, don't you see all the cooking going on!" She exclaimed, motioning towards the pots and pan on the stove.

"What- you were serious about that?" I blurted, dropping my mouth in shock.

"Yes? Oh my god, just go get ready!" She ordered, pointing out towards the door with a huff.

I frowned, sighing as I complied and turned around, making my way back up the stairs and towards my room.

It was about an hour later and I now was leaned forward into the mirror in front of me, precisely applying a layer of mascara onto my eyelashes when the door suddenly opened, causing me to jump back.

"Jesus fuck, you nearly made me poke my eye out!" I shrieked, blinking a few times to make sure if I still in fact had my eyeball in tact.

Andrew, who stood at the doorway rolled his eyes. "Shut up. Ma, told me to tell you your boyfriends family is here"

I knitted my eyebrows together, letting out a scoff. "Are you- he's not my boyfriend, in fact don't you remember—

"I know he's not really gay Lia, I'm not stupid!" He cut me off, letting out a soft laugh.

I rolled my eyes, waving it off as I pushed myself off the dresser. "Yeah, whatever"

I walked past him and made my way down the stairs to see Mom and Aurora who were talking like giddy little girls.

"Oh my gosh Thalia! Oh it's so nice to see you again" Aurora smiled instantly once seeing me, pulling me into a hug.

I cracked a smile with a soft laugh, patting her shoulder lightly as I embraced her back. "Of course, you too"

We pulled away, allowing me to see the two girls that stood behind her. The older looking one was gorgeous and resembled Aurora the most with her long black curly hair. And the littler one looked to be around 6 or 7 and was super adorable.

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