Trading Lives

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"I was wondering how long it would take you to call."

"Who the hell is this?" You questioned, your heart threatening to race right out of your chest.

"A friend of a friend," the male replied.

"What do you want?" You questioned.


"Out of the question."

"If you come with me, nobody else has to get hurt," the man replied.

"Nobody is going to anyway," you replied.

"If you say so," the man replied before the line went dead.

You stared at your phone before making a call to one of your coworkers, Chris, explaining the situation with the phone call you just had.

"Don't do anything stupid, Rhodes," he said before hanging up.

That's what your reputation was within the bureau— the risk taker. Those risks, most of the time, involved you making difficult choices that others wouldn't normally take.

You fiddled with your phone before leaving your room to seek Tony out. As you searched, you ran into Thor and Natasha and they could tell that you looked panicked.

"What's up?" Natasha immediately asked.

"Nothing," you muttered. "Do you know where Tony is?"

You didn't stop to talk, you just kept searching until you found him.

"Him and Pepper just left. He said something about California."

"Dammit," you muttered, finally stopping to run your fingers through your hair.

"What is bothering you?" Thor asked, gently putting his hands on your shoulders, trying to get you to take a second to breathe.

"I need a car," you replied, looking up at Thor.

"Is everything alright?" Thor questioned.

"I- I don't know," you whispered before handing your phone to Natasha.

"What's this?" Nat asked, looking through the phone.

"I got this text when I was taking a walk. I called not knowing what to expect. I kind of hoped it was some kind of fluke but it wasn't," you replied.

"Did you call?" Natasha questioned, looking from you to Thor.

"I did."

"And?" Thor chimed in.

"And I wish I hadn't," you muttered.

"What happened, Y/N?" Thor asked, becoming more concerned.

"All they said was that they wanted me. As you can imagine the call didn't last long."

"They didn't say anything else?" Natasha asked.

"They said if I didn't come to them, that people would get hurt."

"Well you are not planning to go, are you?" Thor asked, his brows pulled together.

"People can get hurt if I don't," you replied, mirroring Thor's expression.

"Then you won't go alone," Natasha added.

"I don't even know where I would be going, Natasha."

"Then let's figure it out," Natasha said with a small smile. "Let's bring Sam and Steve in."

You took a seat on the couch and Natasha had left to look for Steve and Sam. As she did that, Thor had been kind enough to get you a water bottle from the fridge.

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