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Several weeks following the last run in that you had with Marilyn, you had settled in nicely to the compound after having your belongings brought from Washington DC.

"Thor?" You called out from the hallway.

"Yes?" The god questioned as he opened his door, greeting you with a smile.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course. Is everything alright?" Thor questioned.

"I'm fine," you replied. "I just wanted to come see if you wanted to go get lunch? Tony left for the rest of the day and I thought about driving into the city."

"I'll never understand why you prefer to drive there when it is so busy," he laughed.

"You know, I don't know why either," you laughed. "I guess I just really love that pizza place we always go to!"

"Can we try to make some ourselves?"

"You want me to try to cook?" You laughed. "Last time I made mac and cheese, the noodles were still crunchy."

"Did Rhodey never teach you to cook?" Thor questioned, genuinely curious.

"We ate out a lot," you admitted. "He was busy a lot with the Air Force and I never wanted to bother him if I didn't have to. I felt like him taking me in was bothersome enough."

"I'm sure he wouldn't have ever minded," Thor replied.

"I wouldn't have," Rhodey said as he stepped into the doorway. "Do you really feel like you were a bother to me, Y/N?"

Your heart dropped as you saw Rhodey standing before you.

"I never wanted to take away any time from your job," you admitted. "You're successful and I didn't want to hinder that success."

"Taking some time out of my night wouldn't have stopped me from being successful," Rhodey explained.

"You're a literal rocket scientist. I just wanted you to focus on your job."

"I'm sorry I ever made you feel that way. I always wanted to be there for you," Rhodey said softly.

"You were there for me. My life isn't over because I can't cook," you laughed as you hopped to Rhodey and threw your arms around him. "I can make up for my lack of cooking in other ways!"

"Why don't you two go get the stuff for pizza and I'll teach you both a thing or two in the kitchen," Rhodey said with a grin.

"Really?" You questioned, your eyes wide in disbelief.

"Really," Rhodey said with a smile. "Now go."

You looked to Thor with a smile before extending your hand to him. He laced his fingers with yours as you walked out of the compound and to your car.

Once you were at the store, people kept flocking to Thor for photos while you shopped for the pizza ingredients you needed. As you shopped, you kept hearing people mention how lucky you were to be with Thor and you couldn't help but smile.

You were lucky. A little too lucky. But you felt fortunate to have somebody as loving and thoughtful as the almighty Thor Odinson.

On the way out the door, Thor took note of the looks he was getting and decided to act on it. He hooked an arm around your shoulders, proud to be seen with you, as you walked back to the car.

"Can I ask you a question?" You finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Anything," Thor replied as he got into the car, looking at you.

"Am I the reason you broke up with Jane?"

Thor sat for a long moment, contemplating his answer.

"I suppose so, yes," he replied.

"I never wanted to break you up," you admitted. "I would've understood if you told me you didn't want to stay at the hospital."

"It wasn't the hospital that did this," Thor replied. "It was the night we stayed up talking."

"Wait, really?" You questioned, your jaw slightly dropping in shock.

"Yes, really," Thor replied.

"But that was one of my first nights at the compound," you muttered. "You really mean it's been that long that you've had feelings for me?"

"And you haven't had them that long?" Thor questioned.  "Y/N, we almost kissed that day, don't you remember?"

"I remember," you replied, still shocked. "I thought it was because we were both in a weird place emotionally. Jane had just left and my best friend had just been killed."

"So you didn't have feelings for me," Thor muttered, feeling dejected.

"I mean, maybe I did. I was going through so much emotionally at that point with Alyssa and then Rhodey was captured. It was a hurricane of emotions," you replied. "But now I, without a doubt, am madly in love with you."

Thor took your hand and raised it to his lips.

"Can I ask you a question, Y/N?" Thor questioned.

"You know you can," you replied softly.

"Would you maybe like to move into one room together?"

You couldn't help but smile before leaning over the middle console of your car and kissing Thor deeply.

"Of course! Rhodey may try to kill you though," you teased with a smile before turning the key.

The turn of the ignition caused a small explosion to come from underneath the car, raising it off of the ground and flipping it before it was engulfed in flames in the grocery store parking lot.

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