Following Instructions

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You took a deep breath before getting out of Tony's car and pulled your gun out. As you approached the building, something seemed off. You got to the door and pulled it open, only to find the warehouse to be pitch black and, much to your surprise, completely empty.

Your brows pulled together in confusion as your phone rang, this time it was from an unknown number.

"What kind of joke is this?" You demanded.

"We were just wanting to make sure that you could follow directions," the woman replied.

"This nonsense needs to end right now," you yelled.

"Don't worry. Tomorrow night we will try this all again and don't expect to be let down."

"Let me speak to him!" You demanded.

Without another word, the woman surprisingly held the phone up to Rhodey's ear.

"Y/N?" Rhodey asked, clearly groggy. "Don't do anything that they ask."

From the sound of his voice, you could tell that he was in rough shape and your heart sank.

"I'm not going to lose you too," you replied, tears filling your eyes.

"Tony is going to take good care of you," Rhodey managed to spit out. "Y/N, I love you very much."

"I love you too," you replied before tears began to fall.

"How sweet," the lady replied. "Be on the lookout for another message from me."

The line went dead and you couldn't help but punch the old rusty door out of frustration. You were desperate to get Rhodey back and were willing to do anything to ensure his safety.

The drive back to the compound seemed like it took twice as long and when you walked inside, you were shocked to see Tony and the others sitting around, all were suited up.

"What's going on?" You questioned.

"We should ask you the same thing," Natasha muttered.

"They said they wanted to make sure that I could follow directions by going alone."

With puffy eyes, you looked from Natasha to Steve and then Tony.

"He's alive, Tony. I talked to him and he's alive."

You frowned and collapsed onto the couch, your mental exhaustion finally catching up to you.

Thor and Tony both found themselves at your side almost immediately.

"Are you injured," Thor asked, spotting blood on your knuckles from when you had punched the door.

"I'm fine," you replied. "I didn't even notice."

Sam had graciously gotten a first aid kit and brought it back to you. As you took it from Sam, you were shocked when Thor took it from you.

"Allow me," Thor said with a soft smile before taking several items from the first aid kit and attending to your wounded hand.

"Did they say anything else, kid?" Tony asked.

"That tomorrow night they'll actually have somewhere for me to go to meet them."

You jumped slightly as Thor touched a tender spot on your hand, causing the god to frown.

"So where were you guys that they didn't see you?" You finally asked, knowing that's why they were suited up.

"Stealth mode on the jet," Sam chimed in.

"Please stop," you begged. "If then catch on that you're with me, they'll kill him and I can't live knowing I'm the reason he could die."

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