The Raft

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"Rhodes, the last place I thought I'd see you would be here," Secretary Ross said as he paced on the outside of your cell. "What a disappointment to us all."

"I was fighting for what was right," you muttered. "We all were."

"Just because you thought it was right doesn't mean it was," Ross replied. "If it were actually the right thing, you'd be at your uncles bedside instead of here."

"How is he?" You asked.

"Alive. He'll survive," Ross said before walking away and into a secured area.

"Y/N, what the hell were you thinking?" Sam asked from the cell next to yours. "You were somewhere safe."

"If Thor and I hadn't shown up, Rhodey would be dead."

Sam sighed and you looked around. Wanda was in a straight jacket and it caused your eyes to fill with tears. She didn't deserve to be there. Nobody did.

"I'm just glad that Thor was able to get away," you muttered.

"You should've gone with him," Sam replied. "We would've understood."

"It wouldn't have been fair if that's what I did," you replied. "Plus, I needed to know how Rhodey was."

"Too bad he can't come back for all of us," Clint said from the other side of your cell. "I'd like to see my wife and kids."

"Yeah," you sighed. "Too bad."

Just then, the doors from the secure area opened and Tony strolled out.

"Why aren't you with him?" You yelled at him, frustrated.

"Well, you'd be with him but you made a poor decision so," Tony said with a shrug.

"God, Tony. You're such an asshole sometimes," you said before walking away from the cell bars.

"Tell me something I don't know," Tony said as he walked over to Sam.

While you couldn't hear what they had been saying, you knew it was about Steve. He had successfully escaped with Bucky and now Tony was on the hunt for him.

A few more moments of eavesdropping led you to yell at Sam once Tony had walked away.

"How could you tell him that?" You said through gritted teeth. "Steve trusted you!"

"If you heard what I just did, you'd know that I did the right thing," Sam replied.

"I hope you're right, Sam."

You frowned before beginning to pace in your cell. You would've given anything to be walking through the gardens on Asgard with Thor at your side.

Once Tony had left, the raft had begun to sink back into the ocean but a shudder made your heart sink. After a few moments, you heard screaming and yelling before the door from the secure area opened.

"Oh my god," you muttered to yourself. "Thor!"

"Y/N," he replied, running to your cell.

He gently grabbed your face through the bars and kissed you.

"We need to hurry," Thor said as he pulled away. "I need to get all of you out here."

He stepped back and ran to the secure area where he opened all of the cell doors.

Rather than run to him, you ran to Wanda and helped her out of the straight jacket that she had been in.

"Are you okay?" You asked her.

"Let's get out of here," she replied as she stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you along.

"Thor, how are we going to get everyone out of here?"

He swallowed hard knowing that his parents wouldn't like his answer.

"We take them to Asgard until we figure out what to do next," Thor suggested.

"What about Steve and Bucky?" You asked.

"I am not going anywhere," Clint said. "I'm going back home to Laura and the kids."

"I, uh," Scott sighed. "I can't go either."

You looked to Sam and Wanda.

"Just get me to Steve and Bucky," Sam said.

You sighed.

"What if you guys get caught?" You asked with a deep frown.

"We won't," Sam said.

"And neither will I," Wanda added. "I already have plans."

"Sam, there's a jet through there," Thor said, nodding his head towards the secure area.

"Wanda, go with him please," you pled.

Wanda nodded and her and Sam ran for the jet with Scott and Clint in tow. You looked to Thor and knew that if you escaped, you could never come back to earth.

"Are you sure about this?" You asked loudly over the roaring of the waves.

"Let's go home, Y/N. I will deal with the consequences of this later," Thor replied as he wrapped his arm around you before raising mjolnir.

Before you knew it, you were standing back in front of Heimdall.

"That didn't go as you planned for it to, did it?" Heimdall asked, earning a half smirk from you.

"Not exactly," you sighed. "Just make sure none of them die."

"I'll keep you updated," Heimdall replied as you and Thor walked across the bridge, hand in hand.

Once you reached the palace, you and Thor ran into Loki.

"Brother, father will be thrilled when he finds out what you just did," Loki said with a chuckle. "Glad to see you back, Y/N."

"I'm glad to be back. Trust me," you replied. "Did I miss anything good?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just father fuming about since Thor told us why you didn't come back with him."

"Great," you muttered. "You couldn't have just told him Rhodey got hurt and I was visiting?"

Thor and Loki chuckled in unison.

"All is well, Y/N. Now let us go to bed. You've had a long few days."

You nodded and laced your fingers with Thor's once more as you walked through the palace. Once to your room, you quickly bathed and upon entering the bedroom, you found that Thor had laid nightclothes out for you.

"No more shorts and oversized t-shirts?" You asked with a frown. "I forgot about what you brought."

"It's okay," you said softly as you went to your still packed bags and pulled out a shirt and underwear before putting them on.

You both climbed into bed and he pulled you close, holding you in his strong arms as you both fell asleep.

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