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Your hospital stay was not short by any means but Thor stayed with you through that week and a half. He helped you to keep your sanity because any time you had been alone, you started to relive your torture.

On the day of your release, you felt both relieved and anxious to be back out in the real world. While Tony and the others had saved you and Rhodey, you were still in danger.

While the Avengers had been there to help take down Marilyn, she and plenty of others had escaped. Rhodey had been under the care of Tony and Pepper since his release a week prior and was practically recovered.

"Are you ready?" Thor asked as he picked up your bag.

"As ready as I can be," you replied with a forced smile.

"You are going to be okay," he reassured you as the jet landed on top of the hospital on the helipad.

"I hope so," you replied quietly.

Thor helped you into the jet before putting your bag to the side. Once you were all set, Sam took off and took you back to the compound where Natasha had spent extra time getting your room ready for your return.

As you entered, you were shocked they they had done so much to make things easier for you while you healed. Tony had put in a water cooler and ice machine for you since he knew you always loved having ice water nearby. Natasha made sure you had the most comfortable pillows and bedding that she could find. Rhodey knew how much you had always relied on music to get you through difficult situations, so he got you a brand new pair of headphones and had them on your nightstand.

"This is all so kind of you all. Thank you so much," you said as you looked around at the new family you acquired.

"Just don't go sneaking out again," Tony said sternly.

"I'm surprised you didn't put bars on my windows," you teased before Rhodey helped you into bed, groaning as you tried to get comfortable.

"Do you need anything?" Natasha asked.

"I'm okay," you replied. "Thank you though."

Natasha nodded and left your room followed by Tony. Thor was about to leave when Rhodey called after him.

"Thor, can we talk for a second?" Rhodey asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Of course," he replied, turning to fully face Rhodey. "Is everything alright?"

"I wanted to thank you for saving Y/N's life," Rhodey replied, doing his best to not show any emotion.

"You don't need to thank me," Thor said, glancing at you with a smile.

"I do though. You saved my daughter and that something I will never be able to repay you for."

That was the first time that you had ever heard Rhodey refer to you as his daughter and it made you tear up.

"So does this mean I have to refer to you as dad now?" You teased.

Rhodey looked at you and rolled his eyes.

"Wrong time. Sorry," you muttered.

Both Rhodey and Thor left your room as they continued to talk, which made you feel anxious. This was the first time that you had been alone in a week and a half and you didn't like the idea of being alone with your thoughts.

In an attempt to try and keep your mind off of the torturous event that landed you in the hospital, you grabbed your headphones and started to listen to music on very low volume.

A few minutes later, you jumped when you heard a loud knock on the door.

"W-who is it?" You called out, your heart racing.

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