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"I now announce to you His Royal Highness, Thor, King of Asgard and his bride, Y/N, Queen of Asgard."

Thor took his place at the throne and you stood beside him. He looked to you with a grin and moved his hand to you, taking your hand in his.

In a matter of days, you and Thor had married and all of Asgard had come together again for Thor's coronation.

What nobody knew was that you and Thor had one more surprise for everyone but you both wanted to share the information with Odin, Frigga, and Loki before anyone else.

In a matter of months, you were due with a new heiress to the throne— Alyssa Thorsdottir— a name thoughtfully chosen by Thor himself. Though it was far from being a traditional Asgardian name, Thor believed that it would be received well by the royal family.

Rhodey had begun to heal and Tony had designed leg braces to help him walk again. Fortunately, Rhodey, Steve, Natasha, and Sam were able to put their differences aside and attend the festivities in Asgard.

Once the coronation was over, Thor went to celebrate with his fellow friends and warriors and you went to yours and Thor's bedroom, forgetting to close the door behind you.

You couldn't stop from staring at yourself in the mirror. You had come so far from when you and Thor had first met and you couldn't have been more proud of yourself.

Knowing that you had kept your pregnancy a secret for seven months, it was difficult to keep it a secret any longer since you began to show through your gowns. You turned to the side and brought your clothes against your skin, exposing your growing bump.

"It suits you."

Startled, you quickly turned to the doorway and saw Rhodey standing before you.

"Motherhood or royalty?" You asked with a brow raised.


"Yeah, well I still think you're a royal jackass for what happened."

"So do I," you replied. "If I could go back and choose again, I know I'd fight for what Steve believes in."

"It isn't too late to tell that to Ross," you replied with a smile,

"Not a chance," Rhodey chuckled. "We all do have to get going though."

"I understand," you replied. "I'll go get Thor."

"Let him enjoy tonight. It won't be long before being king becomes a hardship."

You nodded before swallowing hard.

"Then I'll walk you guys over to Heimdall," you said softly. "Thank you for being here for all of this."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Rhodey replied. "I won't tell anyone you're pregnant. That's your business to tell."

"Thank you," you whispered. "I promise you'll meet her soon."


"Yes," you smiled. "Her. Thor chose her name— Alyssa."

"That little girl will give you a run for your money," Rhodey chuckled. "I can't wait to watch you pull your hair out the way you made me."

You laughed as you began your walk across the bridge with Steve, Natasha, and Sam trailing along behind you.

Once you reached where Heimdall was, you hugged them all tight.

"Thank you guys for being here for everything. Thor and I appreciate it more than you know," you said quietly. "I'll come back soon. I promise."

"Asgard needs its queen," Sam said with a sad smile.

During your time at the compound, he had become your closest friend and you missed him— you missed all of them, but you were ready to face the new challenges of being the queen of Asgard and mother to the heiress of the throne.

Once the bifrost swept them away, you walked alone back to the palace. Rather than bother him, you allowed Thor to enjoy his celebration, and you went to your room instead.

"Queen of Asgard," you whispered to yourself with a smile as you rubbed your belly.

"Queen of Asgard," Thor echoed as he walked into the room and wrapped his arms around you, his hands staying on your growing bump.

You turned towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

You were grateful for Thor and all he had done for you. Most of all, he saved you from yourself, which was something you could never repay him for.

"I love you, Thor."

"I love you too, your highness," he said before kissing you. "Here's to forever."

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