Chapter 47

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It's been a long 13 hours.
Katy's started showing signs of waking up. Her body is starting to move a little more, her beautiful greenery hazel eyes have been opening and closing. She's breathing on her own now. I'm on one side of her and Lyn in the other. Lyn was able to get some sleep but has been awake most of the time.
She looks wrecked.
I've kept the guys and my parents updated and they're all sending positive messages.

Nothing more really happened for another hour or so. It wasn't really until the doctor came in to check on everything when Katy opened her eyes completely and looked around. She was confused. She looked at the doctor. She then looked at her mom, recognising her instantly. Then she looked at me, her eyes welled up with tears and she took my hand. She knows who I am. I sigh in relief and feel my own tears fall.
The doctor waits another half hour is before he runs a couple conscious tests to see if everything is okay. She's absolutely fine. No side effects that we're aware of. She tries to talk but because of the tubes that were down her throat, it's painful to.

We stay with her for another hour just being grateful that this has come out so positive.
As much as we didn't want to we had to go. Lyn needed rest. We said our goodbyes and left.

We stopped and got some food and headed home. We said our quiet good nights and went to bed. It seems I was more tired than I thought. I finished my food and set my alarm, and fell asleep pretty much straight away.


I wake to my alarm. It's 7:30am. It's quiet, Lyn must still be asleep. I get up, shower, change into some fresh clothes, make coffee and start making breakfast. It's 8:04am, and I hear some movement. Lyn walks down the stairs and greets me with a tired smile. "Coffee?" I offer. "You sure know how to speak to a woman." She giggles taking the coffee filled mug gratefully. "I made pancakes, toast and muesli. I wasn't too sure what you'd like so I made a bunch." I say feeling kinda stupid. "I know how bad this is going to sound, but I could definitely go for some toast with good old Marmite." She says going back upstairs to grab a jar of black stuff. "Uhh Marmite?" I ask looking at what she's just bought down. "Yep. It's a kiwi classic. Tastes like home and right now I couldn't ask for anything else. Best way to start the day!" She says as she thinly smears the black spread over her toast. I just look at it. "Want to try some?" She offers. I just shake my head. "I'm clearly a lover of black stuff, but I just don't know if I can do that just yet." I chuckle sipping at my coffee.
We finish breakfast, and she gets herself ready for the day. It's nearing 8:30 when we leave to go back to the hospital.

As we walk in the doctor greets us. "You look like you've had some good rest. You'll be pleased to know that Katy is doing a lot better. The wounds aren't infected at all, her hand/eye coordination is normal, she's able to speak somewhat and her nerves and vitals are all normal. I'd say another day to recover here then she can go home". Oh my god that's so great!! As we round the corner she's sitting up. She smiles at the two of us.
Oh god she's beautiful. The colour is back in her face, her hair looks as if it's been brushed, she looks so beautiful.
"Hi" is all she says and both Lyn and I start tearing up. I missed her voice so goddamn much.

We sit there for a few hours, she asks about the guys, the shop, she talks to her mom about the family, her flight. That she's sorry she couldn't be at the airport for her first arrival to the States. After a while she starts to get tired. We decide to give her some space and go.
"So Chris, I have a small favour to ask..." Lyn starts as we near the car. I just nod, encouraging her to ask. "Could you please take me to see my grand baby?" She almost whispers. "Of course I can Lyn." I say giving her a small smile.

We pull out and head towards the cemetery. It's quiet but it's not uncomfortable.
We pull up and I guide her towards the small grave. She takes in a small breathe and grabs my hand. "I'm so sorry dear. I'm so sorry you had to go through this." She says looking down at the grave. "It was hard, but it was worse for her." I say bending down to brush off some lawn trimmings. "Yes, but I'm talking about you. She was your baby too, you lost her too. You've gone through so much with Katy and I'm just so glad you've been with her every step of the way." She says bending down next to me. It's quiet for another few minutes.
"You would have been a great father." She says before kissing her fingers and touching the little marker.


We head home so Lyn can get some more rest. I call my parents to let them know what's going on, they're both seem to be really happy and have asked to come meet Lyn. I told them they can come over for breakfast tomorrow morning. I hang up and no more than a minute later there's a knock on the door.
It's Ricky and Ryan.
"Hey guys." I greet them, letting them in.
"What's up dude?" Ryan asks taking a seat in the couch. "Katy's Mom is upstairs resting, so we have to be a little quiet." I say warning them. "How's she doing?" Rick asks joining Ryan. "She's good, definitely taking a beating with the jetlag. I took her out to the cemetery about an hour ago." They both give a sympathetic look.
"So what's up?" I ask.
"Well... we know it's early, but management is asking about what's going on. They want to know when they can start updating the fans on the shows we missed. It won't be for another mont-", "Another month?! The next tours not for another three!" I argue. "Well yeah but we missed about 3 weeks of shows dude..." Ryan says softly. "Well yeah, but we can make that up when Katy's ready..."
"It's not really up to Katy though" Rick says a little more harsh than necessary. "You think I'm just going to up and leave her? The way she is? Given every fucking thing that's happened? I can't do that to her." I feel my volume getting louder. "Yeah but Chris we have a job, we have to work. We all understand why we came back early, why we've stayed off tour. We all totally understand. But the fact is, we didn't finish the tour, we have a new one coming up for Europe. We have get those missed shows in before we go. You know the schedule and if we don't, those shows won't be done again for months." Rick fights back. "I can't leave her. I'm sorry, but it's just too fucking soon. What if something happens when I'm not here and she actually fucking dies. I can't do it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, that's it, no more." ending the conversation.

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