Chapter 27

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Well today's the day... The guys are leaving again. 14 weeks with a one week break over Christmas. The alarm goes off.

I feel Chris stretch and he pulls me in closer. As much as I love this, I know him and he will not get up. "Baby, you need to wake up. It's time to get ready." I kiss him. He groans and sits up. "I'll make some coffee and breakfast". I say standing up and heading down to the kitchen.
I hear him shuffling around so that's a good sign.

"Mmm good morning baby" he says wrapping his arms around me. His hair's wet, he's dressed in his usual black attire and he smells like cologne. "Good morning, coffee is ready and breakfast is nearly done". He thanks me and takes a sip of his coffee. I'm going to miss this. Yes it's only been officially two weeks of him living here but it's nice.
We ate breakfast, we're meeting the guys at 7am. It's now 6:30. Chris is upstairs finishing up packing. "Chris! It's nearly time to go!" I call out. "I'm coming" I hear as the tall man and two suitcases come down the stairs. "Is that all?" I ask, he shakes his head, taking the two suitcases to the car. "I'll grab the others." I go upstairs and grab the last suitcase, and bring it down to the car. "All set?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No, you won't fit in the suitcases.." he pulls me in for a hug. "Aw come one, you'll be fine I promise. We'll talk everyday, and I'll see in you a few weeks for Christmas, I promise".

We arrive at Ricky's place just before 7am. The guys are all there waiting for us. "Damn you guys took ages." Vinny said coming to help get Chris' bags. "Sorry, he took forever to pack." I smiled. I gave each of them a hug. "You guys better take care of each other, I'll miss you all!" they all "Awww" at the same time. "Oh fuck off..." I say giggling. "You take care of yourself Katy. Promise me you'll be okay?" Ricky says giving me another hug. "I promise Rick. I'll text you all the time, you'll get sick of me", "Never" he laughs. "Alright boys, time to go!" Their manager said hoping onto the bus. They all bid their goodbyes. "I love you so goddamn much Katy. Please be careful. Call when ever you need to and text me." Chris pulls me in for a kiss. "I promise, I love you too baby". With one last kiss, he turns and hops onto the bus.
I wave goodbye as they drive off. Here come the tears...

I drive home listening to their album. I shouldn't have because I cried the whole way home. When I got home, it felt weird. It felt empty. I wanted so badly to call Chris and ask him to come home.
I went upstairs and drew a bath. This is going to be a long 14 weeks.

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