Trophy wife.

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• Alina Moretti

00༺❘✦━━━┓• Alina Moretti

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"How much do you need ?"

Ah, this good old question.

'How much do you need ?', 'How much is it ?', 'How much ?'.

Alina was more than familiar with it, after hearing it every day for almost a decade.

She has been married to Victor for six years now, and ever since has been an housewife.

Victor was the director of an hospital, money wasn't a problem for them.

And it's for that reason he didn't want her to work either, marrying a beautiful young woman to parade her around, thinking she loved him.

However she married him for the zeros on his bank account, certainly not for who he was or his looks.

"About a hundred should be enough." She answered his question with a small smile.

He sighed, looking down at her as she fixed his tie.

"Grab my wallet for me."

She nodded and turned around, taking his wallet on the dresser and handing it to him.

A small sigh left his nose as he counted the bills, giving her the money with a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you darling." She answered with a smile.

"Anything for you to be pretty.. I'm gonna go now."

She followed him to the front door, watching him get in the car in the driveway and soon driving off, showing off her body to the neighbors in the skimpy robe she wore.

The smile disappeared of her face as soon as Victor's car was out of sight and she was about to go back in the house when she got called.

"Hello missus Moretti !"

She turned around, seeing the neighbors' son.

Alina didn't really remembered his name, she never asked, but he was a good looking kid.

She always called him petnames to hide the fact that she didn't know his name, loving the way he would get slightly flustered afterwards.

Every single morning he was there, heading towards the bus stop to go to college, never forgetting to greet her on the way.

And she always answered the same thing, did the same motions, every single morning.

She smiled a little, waving at him.

"Hi honey !"




m'kay so i don't have much to say, but this is how prologue <3

trigger warning : in case you didn't read the description, this is a yandere story. I'd like to clarify that a yandere is a person who's obsessive, so of course you'll find more obsessive/stalking behavior here than violence (but it'll still be here)

hope you'll enjoy <3


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