28 : Mommy.

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"You're really needy these days, you know that ?"

Taehyung hummed, laying on Alina's plushy chest.

It has been about two weeks since he started his horny streak and it was safe to say it just seemed like he was never satisfied, every day when he went to her house with her, it just seemed like he couldn't help himself.

"Because you're gonna leave and it's gonna be harder to meet up." He said, feeling her fingers run through his hair. "What ? You don't like it ?"

She shook her head, humming in disapproval.

"No it was just an observation.. Thank God we're using condoms, my doctor is booked and busy so I still don't have birth con.. Control."

He furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at her.

"Sugar are you alright ?"

"Yeah I've been feeling a little sick that's it." She reassured him.

"Sick how ?"

He needed to be sure.

He needed to make sure that he succeeded.

"Feeling a little nauseous but that's alright." She answered with a small smile.

"Yeah I'm sure it'll pass." He answered, letting his head fall in the crook of her neck.

It was a saturday morning and if his mother thought Taehyung was sleeping over at Jimin's house, he was right next door, in his girlfriend's arms.

Taehyung wasn't stupid enough to put the thought of pregnancy in her head.

She'd probably get an abortion, which wasn't beneficial for him.

He needed her to keep this baby, so then she'll be obligated to have him around.

He peppered kisses on her skin, tickling her as her arms wrapped around him, fingers drawing invisible things on his back.

She let out a small hiss as she felt him form more hickeys on her neck.

"How many hickeys do you plan to give me ?" She asked with a faint chuckle.

"Enough to make sure everyone knows you're mine.. All mine.. And only mine." He mumbled against her skin. "Tell me you're mine."

"I'm yours." She answered, tilting her head a little to give him more access. "All yours."

He hummed in approval, one of his hands going to her chest, massaging her boobs.

"Every inch of you belongs to me, don't you ever forget that." He said after giving her a final hickey. "Every single one."

She hummed quietly, only stroking his hair as her attention was now on her television screen, not minding him too much.

She understood that he was possessive by now, but since -from her knowledge- he never went overboard, she didn't mind it, even finding it cute.

She felt him slightly grinding against her leg, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked down at him.

"You cannot be.. Again ? Are you ovulating or something ?" She ask with a small chuckle.


She hummed, feeling his finger hook in her shirt.

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