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The doors unlock, guards leading you into hell. This prison has many many criminals, but one that catches your eye. As your black heels tap the floor, you can hear the chants distant of men. Men that have done horrible things, but one doing something that doesn't make sense. That's why your here. The guards are covered in all black leather, black helmets blocking their heads. Their prepared. Prepared for what?

Prepared for hell.

"Be careful when you walk through Miss. You don't want to be grabbed". One of the guards unlock the main door, the cell hall. Cells filled with thousands of rapists, killers, robbers. This... this is worse than you imagined.

As soon as you walk in, the noise of the chants increase. Whistles and inappropriate comments flow out of the men's mouths like it's nothing. It's normal in here. "OH YEAH! WHATS UP BABY, COME TO DADDY!!"

"Come a little closer babygirl! Let me touch that ass!"

"Pretty pretty pretty~ Let Daddy make you feel good"

You shut your eyes and walk peacefully through the halls, pretending not to be disgusted. In hell, weakness isn't an option, so it's best not to have it. Taking deep breaths, you reach the end of the hall, a guard blocking the main door. "Again, be careful. We can't have another accident, Miss-"


Inhale, exhale

"Hey! Shut it Grade! That's one day without recreation!" The guard shuts him up, unlocking the door, sliding it open. You sigh and walk more inside, reaching another door, with a small cell. A guard in front of it. He doesn't say anything, but just nods.

You breathe, clutching onto your briefcase, the door unlocking.

You see him, looking outside the window. You know this man has good looks, good enough to manipulate anyone. His dark, gory eyes capture your soft, green eyes, making him smirk. You huff and walk near the small chair placed just 5 meters off of his bead. His eyes never leaving yours, sitting on the bed and eyeing you.

"I'm surprised they let a woman come in here and interrogate me, especially what happened with the last bitch".

You ignore his comment and take out a notepad and pen, placing them on the desk placed in front of you. "Prepared I see. I'm impressed", he placed his hand over his heart, smiling. You stare at him, gulping down your nervousness. He was scary, inside and out. Just don't get trapped like last time, and your okay.

Clicking the pen, you open your mouth. "Evening Mister Jeon, I hope that your ready, since I'm sure the guards have informed you about what's happening". He nods, licking his bottom lip, adjusting himself onto his headboard, arm placed behind his head used for a pillow.

"Good. Now I hope you know the amount of questions I'm about to ask you- you can't deny- are involved with anything... so please don't feel uncomfortable. That's the last thing I want to do to my patient". It's true. Out of all of the years of studying, he's your first patient, so you want it to go good.

It's weird since your taking such a big case for a first patient, not fully experienced. "I'm ready love". You open the notebook, scribbling the date and time, feeling his stare on you. His eyes go to your face, your chest, your hips, your legs, and your heels. He bites his bottom lip, feeling aroused.

"Please stop staring Mister Jeon, I'm feeling quiet uncomfortable". His chuckle verbs through the small cell, only knowing that it's just you and him. You can do this. "Am I too hot that you feel uncomfortable? My looks could kill".

"They actually did, that's why your here Jeon". His smile drops, turning serious. You need answers to these life longing questions that hundreds have tried to crack. None of them got nothing. Not even an answer to their first question. "Now what makes you think you can make me answer your stupid questions, hm? I don't take orders, especially from women".

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