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Now your storming into the office. Smoke can literally be seen from your ears, your pumps stomping onto the ground. Now your pissed. Everyone's gaze turns to you. You don't care at this point. Your hair is messed up, due to the fast walking.

People would be thinking that your in a race by now.
But no, your pissed. How can someone starve somebody??? It's ridiculous!

You reach the office door, slamming it open and walking inside. "We need to talk now!".

Now your in front of the desk, hands propped onto the desk giving the man a deadly glare. He gulps and looks to the man next to him shrugging. "What can I help you with Miss Kim-". You death glare him making him stop. Your fed up at this point that you push over his pencil cup made of glass, impacting the floor making everyone gasp.

"Stop. Fucking. With. Me Kevin! Why hasn't Jungkook eaten ever since I left? He says you haven't fed him! Why?" Your so fumed with anger right now that you don't even care about the group of people that's hovering at the frame of the door.

He fixes his collar and shrugs. "He said he wasn't hungry so I didn't feed him, simple as that. Now if you don't get that, then maybe you should leave".

"Maybe you should get that stick out of your ass and do better at your job hm?" The room falls with light snickers making him burn in anger. "Listen Miss Kim, he didn't want it, so he doesn't get it."

"No you don't get it. Your supposed to give him food no matter what, and he told me that he begged you guys to feed him. He hasn't drank water in 3 days! He could've died!". He shrugs. "So? One less PHYSCO to worry about". You huff out some air.

"He's not a physco! He's a man, more than you'll ever be. Now if you don't feed him, I can easily take you to court. Get you fired because you don't do your job, and maybe spend some little time in a cell." His face falls flat, making you smirk. "You don't think that can't happen? I have friends in the department, Kevin."

He takes a look around. It's true you do have friends. Many detectives from helping with your brother. Your getting under his skin, and it's working. "Now I fucking suggest you better get your fat ass off of that goddamn chair and do your fucking job". He gulps and the man beside him is holding his laugh.

"That's not going to scare me Miss Kim". He smirks and gets up, inches away from you. People in the back make some gasps, making him chuckle. "Please, tell the cops? And why do you care? He's just your patient."

"Your wrong, he's your patient, but my client. He's under your care, so if anything happens, it's your ass. Take my advice if you keep want to make money that's paying for those...." Your finger flys to the box of donuts. His jaw clenched, making you chuckle. "Im taking these for him".


"Where'd you get these? I didn't know they had donuts here....", he munches onto the chocolate donut, you passing him some milk. "Is this banana?" You nod making him giggle. "I love banana milk, even though I haven't had it in forever". He sips onto the milk.

"Well, I'm glad you love it because I do too". Wow! He smiles, at least knowing someone shares the same interest with him. "Well, now can we do some answers?" Your still on the clock and desperate for these answers. He answers with a firm nod and faces you completely, you on his bed.

"What's your relation with the people you killed? It's hard to get their faces since.... well you know what you did. And the DNA system is completely damaged due to the amount of bleach you drenched them in. We can't even identify them, so who are they?" He's being dragged in with a huge question. He shifts in his seat uncomfortably.

"Their um.... well.... their my uh....grandparents." He sighs out, making your eyes wide. He killed his grandparents??! What! "Why?" You try to stay calm, denying the fact that this man KILLED HIS GRANDPARENTS.

Doesn't change the way you feel about him though. He's nice to you.

"They were horrible care takers so I made them feel how I felt." He sips onto his milk quickly, avoiding your gaze while smiling. What the! "How did you feel?" You ask, biting into the donut.
"Exactly how I feel in here." You tilt your head.

"And how do you feel in here, Jungkook?" You write down the question into the notebook, his eyes glued to yours. He takes a breath and says, "Broken".

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