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"So.... what are you going to do now? Are you going to get a new job?" Yoongi stirs his coffee inside the cup with a wooden stick, sitting across from you. You shrug and ruffle your hair. You haven't been to work in 3 days, and they call you everyday, saying how he's becoming 'better'. "I don't know Yoongi, they say he's doing better with out me. Maybe it's for the greater good". Yoongi shakes his head at the thought.

You can't stay jobless forever. "They need you Y/n. You are a badass fucking physiologist, and if they can't see it then screw them. But... as a friend gummy bear....you go back to them." He could be right. But just the 'rape' topic hit the spot for you.

Knowing that he's been at your neck since the moment you've asked the first question, and out of nowhere he says that. Yoongi is right. Staying broke is not an option. Yoongi noticed your worrying face, his hand reaching across the table to cover yours, rubbing it.

You smile at the contact and hum. "Fine, I'll go back. ONLY because I need the fucking money". His gummy smile shines.


"Welcome back Ms", the guard opens Jungkook's cell. You walk in and it's pitch black. You can't see anything, making your steps slow and careful. You can only hear heavy breathing. "Jungkook...?"

You can't hear anything, only sobs fill your ears, making you worried and panicking. Your hand roams the wall to find a switch, successfully turning on the lights.

You see Jungkook in the corner of his bed, wrapped in blankets and shaking. You can hear him sobbing. "Jungkook!"

You rush towards him, dropping your bag next to the bed and getting on your knees to face him. You unwrap his blanket, only to meet his red puffy face. "Y-Y/n.... I'm so s-sorry... I d-didn't mean a-anything". His sobs making it difficult to speak, making your heart clench.

Your instincts take over so you hug him. "What happened? Did something happen...?" Your mind is filled with confusion. Just yesterday they told him that he was perfectly fine and when you came in, they hesitated to let you in.

"W-Where were you Y-Y/n? I t-told them t-that I needed y-you". Oh really? They never told you anything! Your arms rub his hot back, calming him down. He hides his face into your neck, making it become wet. "Relax Jungkook....", you try to sooth him down with your voice.

His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you up onto his lap, grabbing your legs to secure around his waist. You don't even care at this point that your mind is filled with other things.

Why didn't they tell you? Maybe they forgot....?

A few moments later, he calms down, and only small sniffs are coming out. You release your face from his shoulder and lean back to take a look at him. His face is still red. His eyes have grown dark circles under them. He hasn't slept? "Hey. When is the last time you slept?"

"....In 2 days". Your eyes grow wide. He should be sleeping. You immediately get off his lap, but his grip becomes tighter and he mumbles a "no". You sigh in defeat. "You need to sleep Jungkook. I'll go get you a new blanket-". His shaky voice cuts you off. "No! Don't leave me again....!".

This man is stubborn as hell. You take a look around the room. "Why haven't you slept Jungkook. And answer me honestly". You warn him first, him nodding. "I can't sleep. You left without saying goodbye and- and I thought that you wouldn't come back. I couldn't get you out of my mind, Y/n".

He was thinking about you? And this is his fault. He made you take a break. "Believe me when I say this Y/n, I'm sorry. About everything. The rape comment....", He takes a long pause before looking at you. "It's fine forget about it".

You smile and pat his head, nodding. He shakes his head. "It's not. I'm sorry. Ive been an asshole about your parents, and bringing them up, I know you wouldn't like it". That's true. But why is he so interested about your parents?

"It's fine Jungkook. Now, lets start on the questions?" You bite your lip nervously, not knowing how he's gonna lash out. Maybe questions are a bit too early? He nods with a smile. You head to your bag and take out the notebook, but you almost forgot.

"Oh! I almost forgot." You smile and take out the bag of food, making him tilt his head. A huge smile runs across his face and he laughs. "Is that....?" He points to the brown bag making you smile and nod. "McDonalds? Yes, I wanted us to try it together", You smile at him, handing him the burger making his mouth drool.

He immediately bites into the burger making you smile. His face turns from hungry into happiness, he moans of the goodness making you giggle. "Try it doll". Doll? You shrug off the nickname and do the same, soon moaning in goodness.

"Bomb right?" You nod and chew your food. You turn away for a second to grab your pen, and when you look back, he's already licking his fingers. "Hey- Wheres the burger?".

"Oh... I ate it." He shrugs. Damn! Does he always eat this fast? He avoids eye contact with you, nervously tapping his shoe onto the floor. Something is up. "Whens the last time you ate Jungkook?".

"I haven't ate since you left". He looks down

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