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He walks inside his house, wiping his nose and taking off his shoes. His eyes are puffy, along with his heart. It's full of sadness. Pain. His heart is crushed. He opens his phone, a picture of you greets his eyes. He remembers when he took that picture of you. You and him were so happy.

He took you to a wax museum since you wanted to see the waxes. He was very and I mean very bored. He hated to wait in the line. But he was happy. He was happy to see you smile. Happy to hear you say his name over and over with happiness.


He was so whipped, and still is. He took the picture of you running away from the security after they caught you trying to steal a wax figure of one of the Kardashians. You said you wanted to put it in your living room so when people come over, they'd think you made it. You wanted people to not think of you what everyone else thought of.

Non- Normal. Non- Human.

"Why are you running idiot!"

He yells from afar seeing you run towards him. He soon sees guards chasing you, getting confused. Your figure comes closer, and he spots something in your hand. "Oh no...."

"Hurry Suga! Put it in the car!!".

"Nope!" He snatched the figure from you, the guards catching up. You pout, "Why are we staying still?! Come one!!" You try to run, but he grabs your forearm, making you fall into the floor, on your butt.


"No stealing cupcake. Sorry officers, my girlfriend has Alzheimer's. Here, heres her medical card".

You blush at the word 'girlfriend' while the guards check out the card. They look at each other and nod. "Sorry; If this happens again, don't think we'll hesitate". He nods.

Soon, a voice over the walkie talkie can be heard.

"There has been a spotted suspect running down the alley way, Grahm Blvd and John. 2 dead bodies found. All police report to the location".

They quickly run and you just stay there. Suga vents down to your level, caressing your cheek. "Why did you do that bub?" You shrug.

"I want it in my house so when people come over they think I made it."

He chuckled sadly, tears dripping down his eyes once again. The picture from 3 years ago still remains his lock, home, computer screen wallpaper. He wants to see you all the time. "Beautiful...." He whispers, looking through his camera roll.

You took some picture of him sleeping. You drew some cat whiskers onto his fluffy cheeks, and a cat nose.

"Hehe...." You giggle. The marker drawing onto his skin, making him squirm. "Cupcake..." You bite  your lip and laugh out loud, causing him to wake up.

"Yah! Why you yelling in my ear?".

You take out your phone, struggling to do so since your shaking from so much laughter. You open the camera and he sees it. "Cupcake!!!"

"S...Sorry", you laugh out.

He groans and rolls his eyes playfully pushing you, going inside his restroom. The water runs and you look at the marker, your eyes grow wide. That's when you see him come out of the restroom, water on his face.

But nothing fading.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't know!!" You hold your laugh.

"Come here brat!!" He charges at you, and tickles you. You laugh with him, and caress his head while his is in the crook of your neck. "Where's your girlfriend?".

"Broke up..." you pull away wide eyes. "I'm sorry...."

He shakes his head smiling, kissing your cheek. "I'm okay cupcake. Your here".

"I love my cupcake"

"I love my lil meow meow"

He starts to sob, the memories painfully to think of. He crashes onto the floor, burring his hand into his cold hands. He throws his phone on the side of him, laying down on the cold floor.

He loves you. So so much.

And he knows that your going to go back there. With him. Always him. He suddenly grabs his phone, dialling a number. "Kevin!".

"Sup Suga, what's up? You okay?" He asks after hearing his cracked voice. "I-Im fine. I need a favour".

He hears a groan over the phone, "More favours".

"P-Please. You owe me remember?". Suga says, biting his lip nervously. He hears a 'right' over the phone. "What do you need?".

"I need a file on one of your patients". Suga says sternly. "Suga...." Kevin warns, knowing this ain't right. "Please! I'm doing this for the greater good."

He knows how illegal this is. It's all personal information about one guy. One person. This could change everything. "Fine. Name?"

"Jeon Jungkook".

"Ugh, that bastard?" A smile grows on Suga's face. He at least isn't the only person who hates him. He hears typing over the phone, and it all goes silent.

"Suga, did you know that he's in here?" Kevin's voice sounds Low, making Suga nod. You can't know. Not yet. Not ever. "I need Jungkook's , not his. His ass stays there."

"Does she know?"

"No", Suga says coldly, "And if you ever tell her, your dead meat."


Who's he????

What do you think abt this chapter? I shed a tear 😭

Do we stan lil meow meow? 🥺

If so, that's good......

That's until you keep on reading.

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