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"I told you all good things would happen if you went back. You should listen to me more". Yoongi brags while putting an arm over your shoulder. Currently your in the back of his cafe, he's smoking a Cig.

"Yeah yeah". You reply smugly rolling your eyes. He chuckled and smiled, puffing more air into his mouth. The day you left Jungkook, he didn't want you to leave. He was grabbing your arm and pinning you to places so you wouldn't leave. It was kind of hot.

"I wonder if they did a autopsy on Raymond and Lila. It's been 3 years, I just want to know what happened". You shrug while he scoffs. "You serious cupcake?". He raises a brow. You shrug.

"Why do you care about those fuckers huh? All they did to you was hurt you and....", he stops and gulps. You shake your head. "Don't say it please".

"Sorry". He mutters and inhaled another puff of smoke. You extend your hand to his, making him raise a brow. "What? You want to try?". You nod. He shakes his head quickly. "No, this shit can kill your innocent ass, and I'm not paying for the hospital bill if you end up choking".

How dare he! You can handle it. "Let me try it please". You pout. He stares at you blankly. God damn that pout. He hesitantly passes you the cigarette, making you smile. You put it towards you lip, and do the magic. You exhale the puff with a smile. "I see why you love this so much".

He chuckled and nodded. "I still want to know what happened. Those doctors didn't tell me how they died...", you stare at him with pleading eyes. "Just leave it alone Y/n, their dead. Thank god. They deserved that".

Your eyes grew wide. Of course they were animals to you but you didn't wish them death. "Don't say things like that!" You slap his chest, making him grunt.

"Watch your fucking hands....". He whispers coughing out some air. "I'm just curious Yoongs. Why would someone kill them". He pokes his cheek with his tongue shrugging. "Do you think they knew about what they did-". A nod cuts you off, making you sigh.

"Why else would someone cut off their faces". His eyes grow wide as he looks at you. You furrow your brows. "What do you mean...?". He shakes his head and looks away.

"'I.... Forget I said anything. Hows the cigarette? Want another-", a slap to the hand where's he's reaching his pocket stops him. "Ow!". What's going on with him?

"What do you mean 'cut off their faces' Yoongs? How do you know that?". He licks his lips nervously and looks away. "It's just a guess". You shake your head and chuckle. "That's a weird ass guess, if I say so myself. You know something".

His brows furrow and he scoffs. "I don't know anything Y/n". The tone of coldness verbs through your ears, making you mad. He's mad at you, but he's guilty. Somehow he is. "Something isn't right with you Yoongi. Ever since the incident and I've been trying to talk to you about what happened to them, you always say forget it and they deserve it".

He looks down, making you mad. He's avoiding any type of contact with you. "And now you say that their faces got cut off and you cover it up with saying it's a guess. How did you know that their faces were cut off?". He shrugs. "Like I said I don't know! It's a guess for fucks sake!".

"That's not some guess!" Now your both yelling in the alley way, people staring at you both. "Yes it is!".

You take some time to think, and it hits you. Your eyes widen and tears form in your eyes, making his soft. "Hey cupcake.... Why are you cry-". You push him away roughly as he tries to hug you, making him confused.

"You.....you're-". He takes a second to think of what your thinking, making his eyes widen. "No! Don't think like that Cupcake! I wouldn't!". You cover your mouth to console the sobs, making his heart hurt by seeing you cry. "It all makes sense now. You knew about the death, and you say that they deserve it. You killed them!".

You point a shaky finger at him, making his eyes pop out of his sockets. "Don't say that! I would never do that come one! You know me better than anyone it's not me!". You slap him across his soft skin, making him wince. "I trusted you Yoongi".

A tear slips from his eye, making him shake his head. His right hand tried to grab yours, but you push him away. "No...! Don't touch me, murderer!". The word and the way you put it makes his heart shatter.

His everything is calling him murderer. He groaned and pulls his hair out of stress. "Listen to the okay, cupcake? I wouldn't do such a thing".

"Why did you suddenly friend me? We're you.... Planning this?!". He shakes his head as more tears slip out. "N-No! I wouldn't cupcake. I friended you because I liked you ok! You seemed interesting and I love interesting things".

"I can't trust you anymore Yoongi! Everything you say is a lie. I cant believe you did that.... And now Taehyung is gone because of you!!!". You scream and sob at the same time, making him do the same. How can she think that? "Your not thinking right Y/n. I didn't know you guys before. I am not a killer!".

Now since you both are yelling like maniacs, people start to huddle and whisper at the end of the ally way, making you mad. "I can't do this with you anymore". Those words shatter his heart. "W-What?".

You shake your head, "This friendship is fucking over".

Oh no

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