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"Miss Kim? You there?" Jungkook waved his hand in front of your face, wiping the tear that slipped out of your eye. "Miss Kim... your crying-", your hand stops him. "I'm fine Jeon".

"You sure? You were tranced out for a good 6 minutes. What happened-". "I said I'm fine. Now, let's ask your question", your cold, but stern, voice cuts him off. He hums- the situation not leaving his mind- laying back into the bed. "I'm surprised you keep getting added onto your years, Jeon. What do you do that makes you stay here? Do you do this intentionally?"

Your questions makes him make a 'tch' sound with his mouth shaking his head. So he doesn't want to stay? "I like it here. It's better than the outer would". Who would want to stay here? "What do you mean? You haven't been out out in the world for 3 years-"

"The real world is worse than this, Miss Kim. You out of all people should know that". You do know that. And he's right. The world is worse than this place. What does he mean by 'you out of all people should know that'? "What do you mean you-"

"My turn, Miss Kim".

You nod hesitantly, making him continue. "I want to know more about your family, please? What were they like?". Why is he so interested? What's he doing? Is he trying to figure out your weakness? He notices how you don't respond, so he changes the topic. "What do you think about love?"

"It's shit", you scoff out.

He laughs and nods and agrees. You can't help but to wonder why. "Why is it shit? Did something happen?" His smiles fades, turning into a concern look. "Did something happen to you Miss Kim? You know you can tell me."

What's happening! How did it turn from him to you? "I asked you first Jeon. Remember, we're still playing the game". Ahh yeah, the game. He nods, his face blank. "Some lame girl that broke my heart... millions and billions of years ago", he laughs out. You laugh with him shaking your head. "Sounds crappy.... like from a movie. What's the real reason?"

His face gone serious. "Nobody loves me, so I prefer not to love anyone. It saves me from being heartbroken. Try it out, and let me know how it works?" He makes it sound like it's some sort of subscription to some type of program. "I don't need to Jeon. I just avoid people-"

"Why is that? What happened? Like I said you can tell me". He pushes forwards you, grabbing your hands gently. His soft, cold, tattooed hand massaging your left hand.

Don't get attached.

You pull it away, looking at his face. It's full with worry. "I have nothing important to say Jeon, so just don't waste your questions on that topic. I suggest you use it for something helpful".

He rolls his eyes. He's so concerning one moment, and the next a total meme. You don't get him. "How'd you land this job, Miss Kim? Don't get me wrong, you have to be fucking smart to become a Physiatrist, but your out doing yourself. I assume this is your very first job, and it's a big one".

How does he know that? "How can you tell? Am I too obvious?" You don't want to seem too obvious. You want to look like you know what your doing. "When you came in here, you grabbed the notebook and pen from the briefcase, but the pen doesn't go in the briefcase. It's always in their front pocket. I've noticed". He saw that? I mean, a pen can go anywhere right?

"Hey! Don't worry- I thought it was cute." He winks at you, making you chuckle nervously, but lowly. God he's such a cutie. How can he be so good looking, and throwing himself away in here? He couldn't been a model. "You could've been a model", you blurt out confidently. He tilts his head to the side with a smile on his face, wearing a 'oh really' look, making you nod with a smile.

"I'm serious. Your good looking and I'm sure you have a nice body, so it goes. Not all models are perfect, but you're really gorgeous so it works".

He bites his bottom lip, smiling and chuckling. Nobody has ever said that to him. Ever. "Thank you Miss Kim. I hope your not flirting your way into getting answers out of me", he chuckled out, puffing into the cigarette. You shake your head. "I really mean it. And I don't flirt".

"Really? Then what were you doing the whole time when you were with me? You obviously turned me on so you were definitely flirting". You didn't even try. And you turned him on? Oh no.

"I don't know how to flirt Jeon..."

Realisation soon rushes over him, making him laugh nervously and shake his head. "I- I was just playing". Hmm, right. "Where's your parents Jeon? Have you spoken to them?". He scoffs, shaking his head. "I don't talk to pieces of shit. They don't call so I don't call. I'm doing myself a favour, trust".

Nobody knows why he's so distant. They try to contact his parents, but nobody can get to them. You can always call, but you get nothing. "Why do you hate them so much Jungkook-"

"Keep calling me Jungkook, not Jeon. I like how my name sounds when you say it..." He does? "If it makes you happy", you smile. He nods. "My parents are monsters. My parents are horrible. They let something so tragic happen to someone and they didn't do anything about it. Wheres yours?". Enough about them. "Jungkook, I thought I said no more about them!"

He rolls his eyes, "I just want to know what you know!" Huh? Before you can say anything, a guard comes in, telling you to leave. You huff and look at Jungkook. "I'll come in 2 days Jungkook. Try not to get in trouble". He smirks and bites his bottom lip. He looks at the guard who takes a quick glance at your ass without you noticing, now biting his inner cheek.

"I'll see you soon......"



My picture 🥺🥺❤️ precious kookie!

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My picture 🥺🥺❤️ precious kookie!

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