Chapter 10

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Faiz's POV:

I saw the look they all gave each other just as well as Layla. I knew that she figured out what was up just by looking at her face.

I had recognized the looks they gave each other since last month when I had gotten back from business school. They were obviously trying to set me up with Layla.

But why were they trying so hard?

So when Uncle asked me at the breakfast table to take Layla along to the restaurant and hotel's opening, I know I had hesitated. I had been taken aback by what Uncle had suggested, but I somehow knew it was going to come.

I also knew that it probably wouldn't be wise to say 'no'. The Abbasis have always been close to our family, so I didn't want to disrespect them or anything.

So I said 'yes', threw a grin Layla's way, and continued eating my breakfast. Our parents looked like they were five-year-olds being offered an all-you-can-eat candy buffet or something.

I saw Reyna's reaction, too. So, apparently, she was playing matchmaker as well.

Perfect. Get my little sister on it as well.

After breakfast, we clear the table, and the Abbasis leave a little while later, Layla promising Reyna to FaceTime as soon as she gets home.

I say 'Allahfiz' and tell my parents that I would be upstairs in my room doing some work if they need me.

I go upstairs to my room and power up my laptop, getting to work.

I go through some business deals, which I forward to my dad with some notes; double-check the date when Layla and I are to arrive in Buenos Aires with Mr. Gomez, who replies an hour later saying that the date was perfect; and then I call in my private airplane pilot, telling him to make sure that my airplane was ready by next week, that I would be bringing one other passenger and our destination would be Buenos Aires.

I also go through some 5-star hotels in the area, before I slapped my forehead in realization. I was opening my own hotel, why not just stay there?

So, I email Mr. Gomez again, booking a two-bedroom suite in my hotel. He replied a while later, assuring me that the room would be ready for me and Layla by the time we get there next week.

Three hours later, I take a break from business work and open my phone. Some offers to talk on their shows popped up, which I archive.

There were also multiple texts from my friends here, asking if we could hit the gym tomorrow. I agree, setting up a time that we could meet up.

Tired of feeling so productive, I head up to my own gym on our third floor. 

I can't be this excited to go to Buenos Aires.


Once I'm finished working out, I'm ravenous for food, so I head back downstairs.

Reyna's sitting on a kitchen barstool, her phone in her left hand while her right one was fanning a chicken quesadilla on the plate in front of her erratically.

"Any more of those?" I ask her while opening the fridge, taking out some Gatorade.

Without looking up, she replies, "Yup. Stove. Also, you stink. Take a shower, will you?"

I let out a chuckle, shaking my head. I head to the stove, and sure enough, there are three more quesadillas on one of the pans on the stove.

I place two on a plate, leaving one more for her, take my Gatorade, and sit down on the barstool next to her. I eat my quesadillas and drink my Gatorade while looking through my social media.

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