Chapter 2

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Faiz's POV:

"Bhai!" my little sister, Reyna calls out from outside the door.

I slowly start to wake up. I look around at my surroundings confused. Wait a second, Reyna? My old bedroom? Then I remember, I came back home last night.

"Five more minutes!" I cry in protest, wanting to catch up on the sleep I had missed. I hate sleeping in the air, so I barely slept on the 10-hour long jet ride.

The pounding on the door resumes.

Ya Allah, what does this kid want?

"Bhai! I know you're awake and that you can hear me! I'm just reminding you about the promise that you made to me last night!"

I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes.

What promise?

I had only come back from Buenos Aires, Argentina just last night, and here she is, telling me I had promised her something?

"Konsa promise yaar?" I call back at the door, irritated with her. I quickly slip on a random gray t-shirt.

I step out, coming face-to-face with the bug herself.

"What do you mean? You don't remember? Ok, Bhai, let me press the refresh button since there seems to be a virus in your brain!" she scolds me.

The only virus here is you

"Remember I told you that Layla was coming here today? To sleepover?"

Oh. Great. My sister and her package deal are going to have a girly sleepover on my first day back.

I huff in annoyance, "Okay, yeah, I remember vaguely that you said that, but what promise?"

Reyna looks at me with shock written all over her face, which quickly morphs into an amusing glare, a pout on her mouth appears within seconds to follow. She then crosses her arms and says, "You get home, and all of a sudden you don't remember anything I've told you? Your only sister? How very upsetting, Bhai." 

I roll my eyes. This drama queen could literally put on a four-hour show, and she still wouldn't get tired of working an act. I wonder how Mama, Baba, or Layla even handled her while I was away.

"Bhai, you specifically told me last night that when Layla comes over today you wouldn't pull any pranks or be annoying. You promised." 

I give her a smirk, "If that's what I promised, dear sister of mine, then I take it back."

Her mouth opens aghast, looking like I just told her she couldn't have the last cookie. I laugh at her reaction, shaking my head at her childish behavior.

She shakes her head, now clearly annoyed.

"Whatever, Bhai, just so you know, she's coming in an hour, so please, for the love of all that's holy, stay out of our faces, and we'll stay out of yours, 'kay?" And before I could respond, she turns around and walks down the wide hall.

I shake my head in amusement.

She's exactly how I left her.

I go back into my room and take off my phone from my bedside table. A notification pops up from our local newspaper.

The headline read, 'Local Billionaire Zayn Abbasi Will Soon Step Down For Daughter To Take Over' next to an article on my arrival.

I could feel my eyes widen a bit. Damn, Zayn Uncle's stepping down? Already? How old is Layla now?

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