Chapter 11

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Layla's POV:


I think as I hang up my phone.

Has he never gone on an international flight before?

I stop pacing and turn to look at my family, sitting with amused looks on their faces at our dining table.

"What?" I say, slightly drained with the conversation I just had.

My father coughs awkwardly, a smile still on his face.

"Beta, have you stopped for a second and thought as to why he might be coming a bit later than he should if you children were actually taking an international flight on a commercial plane?"

I froze.

Oh. My. God.

I mentally facepalm myself.

"We're taking his private plane, aren't we?" I groan, covering my face with my hands.

Why did I not consider their private plane?

My dad merely nods while my mother shakes her head, obviously entertained. When I make eye contact with Yusuf, he just looks like he's enjoying himself at my embarrassment.

How am I going to face Faiz now? I overreacted, and he's definitely going to tease me about it.

My phone dings with a notification.

I look down at my phone. The notification is a message from Faiz.

I unlock my phone to read the message.

6:17 mr. aslam: Hey, on my way over right now, you should start saying your goodbyes.

I sigh, knowing what's going to follow when I tell my parents that Faiz will be here soon.

I look over to my parents and walk over to them.

"Mama, Baba, Faiz says he's coming now."

My parents nod, and already my mother's eyes start to glisten, turning glassy, threatening to let tears drop from her eyes.

I knew it

I sigh again, "Oh, Mama, I'll be alright! This isn't my first time on a plane! How else did I get to Uni? And you were crying when I had left for Uni, and I went and got home so many times, each time I came back completely safe! You have nothing to worry about, please," I plead with my mother, immediately embracing her in a hug.

She sniffles a bit, laughing, returning the hug tightly.

"Oh, beta, I am well aware of your responsibility when it comes to going to places on your own. I just can't believe you're so grown now, Mashaallah. Just fly safe, and call when you two land safely and are at the hotel, ok?"

I nod my head. She kisses my forehead and loosens her grip, putting me at arm's length, and then returns her arms to herself, crossing them.

Then I turn toward my father.

His eyes are glassy now too. I shake my head, a smile on my face, and go over to him, hugging him tightly.

My father always had a soft spot for me, I knew that, so I knew how hard this was on him.

"Fly safely and watch your surroundings in Argentina. Call me if you need someone to consult. Look for some good business partners there, too," he adds the last part jokingly.

His face turns serious again, a slight smile on his face, "I am so proud of the woman you have become."

I nod, kissing his cheek, and then he lets go.

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