Chapter 17

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Layla's POV:

"Layla, my daughter, you look absolutely gorgeous. Words cannot describe how proud I am of you," my mother says, appearing at my bedroom's doorway.

I had been sitting at my dresser table, doing my makeup, when my mother appeared at my doorway.

I grin, looking at her reflection in my mirror, lowering my mascara wand.

"Thanks, mama. You look beautiful as well."

We were getting dressed and ready for Faiz's birthday dinner at the Tulip Inn, one of the most famous restaurant and grill in Houston.

My friends and I have been going there since we graduated high school. We also went there this summer, after we all graduated college. It's always been our spot.

My family, Reyna's family, and Maryam Qureshi's family's companies all invest in the restaurant as well. As we've all bought major shares of the company, our families are pretty much considered priority guests there.

"Layla, beta, before we go, I think I should probably tell you that there might be surprising news that may arise tonight. Just so that you're prepared," my mother says, coming behind me and resting her hands tentatively onto my shoulders.

"It's not bad news or news that you should be worried about. Just... surprising news. Good news even," she says quickly, after noticing my face morph into that of confusion and worry.

I take a moment to study my mother's face in the mirror.

"Okay, mom. If it's not bad news, then I don't have any reason to worry," I say slowly, finishing up my mascara distractedly.

She nods approvingly, "Good, good. I just came to tell you that we will be leaving in 10 minutes." She leans down to my head and kisses my hair gently. She then faces me in the mirror, meeting my eyes in our reflection.

"Layla. Please don't think badly of us. We know what's best for you. Take time before making decisions, okay?" she says cryptically.

She softly squeezes my shoulders again and then walks out my door, the clicking of her heels against our wood-paneled floor echoing through our upstairs gallery.

What was that about? What news could she possibly be talking about that might arise at Faiz's birthday dinner? And why would I need to be reminded to take time on making decisions?

I shake my head and get up, smoothing my dress. I guess I would have to wait and see.

I had picked out a lavender maxi dress. With it, I paired some diamond studs, a diamond drop necklace that was similar to that of the one I wore in Argentina, and a gold braided-style bracelet with small diamond stones entwined with the braids.

For makeup, I had opted for a very light shade of lavender as my eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, and a glossy nude lip. I also added some concealer and foundation to enhance my natural features, finishing the look off with some muted shimmery highlight on my cheekbones and the bridge if my nose.

I then picked out white pumps to go with the ensemble.

And I was ready.


"This food is delicious, as always," my father says to Omar Uncle as he takes a bite of his steak.

This conversation always happens, one of them notes how delicious the food is, the other one points out how they were very smart to have had invested into the restaurant.

"Me and you, Zayn. And Kashif Qureshi," Omar Uncle says, like clockwork. "We somehow always know the good choices."

The rest of us shake our heads, amused.

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