Chapter 21

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Layla's POV:

A month flies by like nothing, and soon, my household is in full-swing panic as we finalize our packing before our flight to Pakistan.

"Layla! Have you finished packing, sweetheart? The Aslams have already left their home for the airport!" I hear my mother's excited voice echo up the stairs and through my door.

"Coming, Mom! I've just finished" I call back, quickly stuffing the last couple of shalwar kameez sets into my second suitcase. I sit on my suitcase and zip it up, listening to my father ask my Mom where that one pair of shoes are, and Yusuf asking her where his Nintendo Switch case is. 

I'm struggling badly, feeling my face grow hot at the exertion of energy it's taking to zip this damn suitcase up, but finally, it gives, smoothly zipping the rest of the way. I let out a sigh of relief as I stand back up. I pick my suitcase off the floor and fasten the pull tabs of the zippers into their locks. I then pick up my purse from my vanity desk and grab my two suitcases, rolling them out of my room. I inspect my room for a moment, trying to pinpoint anything that I could've forgotten to pack. 

After feeling sure that I've got everything, I close my bedroom lights and exit, closing my door behind me as I leave. Rushing down the stairs, my hands each dragging one of my suitcases behind me, my excitement starts taking over. As I reach the foot of the stairs, one of the maids reaches out to take my bags with a smile, most likely to take them to the car. I smile graciously in return, thanking her as I hand over my bags. My mother, like me, wears a long, loose maxi dress. Mine is a deep, navy blue with long sleeves while my mother wears a dark gray one. 

My mother was the one to advise that we don't wear any expensive pieces, so I ended up going very light on jewelry. I decided on a simple silver chain tucked under the collar of my dress, along with a pair of small diamond studs. The only ring on my finger is my engagement ring, the gorgeous diamond setting shining on my left ring finger. 

To complete my look, I wear some comfortable black ankle boots and have my hair tied in a messy bun at the nape of my neck. My mother smiles lovingly after scanning my outfit, nodding in approval as she tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"You look beautiful, my darling," my mother finally says, her eyes crinkling in the corners while smiling. 

"Aww, thank you, Mama, you look amazing, too! I'm so excited, you know. Going back to Pakistan for the first time in years."

She laughs in response to my outburst, breaking her out of her emotional state, "Yes, and we might have the Aslams leaving without us in our own jet if your father and brother don't get here quickly." She says more of it for Yusuf and my father than for me, and it effectively works as my father finally appears, trailing his bags behind him. Yusuf follows close behind, zipping up his backpack and grinning in mischief. 

"Mama, you know that Faiz bhai would never leave the country if Aapi isn't there. They're supposed to get married," Yusuf teases as we leave the house. 

Our mother and father grin in amusement as I scoff.

"You're just jealous that he would wait for me and not for you, chotu," I say, ruffling his hair. 

"Am not," he retorts.

"Not what, jealous? Or short? Because you're both, chotu," I respond, grinning as Yusuf groans in childish defeat.

We swiftly lock the door to our home, and walk to the car. Once settled, we set off to the airport, but my stomach feels like it's already flying.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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