Chapter 4

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Faiz's POV:

Teasing Layla was absolutely hilarious.

I thought, laying on my bed, thinking of her reaction when she found out that I was pretending to sleep in her lap during the movie an hour earlier.

I had slept sometime in the duration of the movie, and when I had woken up, I realized I was leaning on my left side, the side Layla was sitting on.

At first, I was all halal-guy mode:

Yaar, she's your little sister's best friend, you've known her since she was born, get the hell out of her lap.

But there was this other side of me that just wanted to see her blush in embarrassment.

I mean, I could have easily blamed the four Pepsi's I had drunk during the duration of the movie, but I think that would have been lying.

Was that what drunk people felt like? Or was being on a sugar high different?

I had squinted at her, pretending to sleep while watching her face through the slits of my eyes.

She had then looked down to see me resting my head in her lap.

I had risen and fallen my chest rhythmically, to keep up the act of sleeping while watching her face morphing into pure horror.

I wanted to die of laughter then and there, but I wanted to see what she would do.

When she tried to pull me up, I had snuggled my face deeper into her stomach, wrapping my arms around her waist.

I felt her squirm in discomfort.

She had quickly turned to my sister, obliviously watching the movie. I think Princess Ariel was on the boat with the knife during the whole messed-up wedding between the dude Eric and Ursula in a much hotter bod.

I had watched as Layla, still freaking out about the guy in her lap, kept calling out to Reyna, who was too consumed in the movie to give her best friend the time of day.

Finally, Reyna turned and looked at her, then at me. She had just shrugged, like it was something she had seen every day.

At that point, I don't know what happened, but I think my face had given away the fact that I was up, because this crazy woman pushed me off her lap and onto the freaking floor.

I wince as I remember when I had hit the floor, the pain that I had felt on my back.

And then she had followed it up with a, "You were awake, you idiot! You were awake the whole time!"

I had been caught red-handed.

I had told her I wasn't awake the whole time, but she was still giving me that mean glare.

She then asked Reyna to do face masks and that's when Reyna had then looked at me, sitting on the floor, groaning, and asked why I was on the floor.

Layla had said she didn't know.

The hell she didn't.

She then they had left to do their face masks, and if I was right, they probably were still doing that.

As soon as they had left, I had gotten up, still groaning in pain, and had shut off the TV.

I then did the usual night routine: go to my personal gym on the third floor and work out for a good two hours, take a shower, swing by my parents' room to say goodnight, pray Isha prayer, go through emails about my dad's company, then get ready to sleep.

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