Chapter 8

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Faiz's POV:

Exhausted by the night's events, us kids stumble into our car while the adults get into theirs. 

I carry a sleeping Yusuf into the car after Reyna slid in. Reyna and I were the only ones semi-conscious out of the four of us. The Abbasi siblings, however, were worse off. One of them was already long asleep, while the other one looked like she was about to drop dead. 

After I gently handed Reyna Yusuf, I moved aside so that Layla could get in.

While she looked like she was half-dead, she still looked gorgeous. Her eyes were bright from the events the wedding had offered. 

I don't know if it was champagne or if it was the high feeling I got when I stayed up all night, but I stepped to the side of the door, bowed, and gave her an 'after you' gesture into the backseat.

She grinned and giggled. And then she curtsied.

Yeah, she had it worse than me.

I glance at my phone to see the time while I slid into my seat.

It was three in the morning.

I looked behind my seat as I shut my door to see Layla already fast asleep, her head leaning on the window, her hands clutching onto the bouquet of flowers that she had caught when Rachel had thrown them. 

I still remember how happy she had looked, a blush appearing on her face when everyone realized she had been the one to catch it. I know all the guys did. 

Reyna had adjusted Yusuf so that his legs took the middle seat and that his head rested in her lap. She was stroking his hair while leaning her head against her window with her eyes closed. 

Yeah, I felt like I was going to crash too.

I look towards Will, our driver, and grinned. 

"To home, please, Will," I say, my voice husky from the lack of sleep.

He nods and waits for the parents' car to start driving before following them.


As we arrive at the gates, I hear Reyna move in the back. I turn around and see her slowly opening her eyes.

"We home, Bhai?" 

I nod, "Yep, we're home. Don't wake up Yusuf, he can be carried, but try to wake up Layla."

She rubs her eyes and leans over Yusuf to shake Layla. Layla doesn't even stir.

"Dude, Layla, we're at my house, you're sleeping over, wake up!" She whisper-shouts.

I look back and see that Layla is still fast asleep. 

Why does she have to make my life harder than it has to be every minute she gets?

"You know what? It's fine, I'll carry her in. You take Yusuf to my room, ok?"

She raises a brow but nods, and as soon as the car stops, we get out.

Reyna gets out of her door, carrying Yusuf in her arms, and walks inside the house. The parents seem to already be in the house because their car is driving away to the parking garage. 

I go over to Layla's door and open it slowly. I catch her head as it's about to fall out. Her face gets all scrunched up at the movement. It's kinda adorable.

Focus, Faiz. Just carry her to Reyna's room, put her in Reyna's bed, and get the heck out of there.

I manage to carry her in my arms bridal style and walk into the house with as much dignity as possible. I would've asked her father to do it if it weren't for the fact that he was having trouble walking nowadays already, so I doubt he could carry his adult daughter like she was a child. 

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