Chapter II: The smell of coffee and lies

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Dazai's pov-
It was the next morning. My phone started ringing. I checked it and turned off the alarm. It was 8 a.m. I got out of my bed and got ready. I said goodbye to my mother and walked off to school.

At the school gate I saw a familiar face - Chuuya.

- Hey, Chu-chu.- I joked around.

-A what now?- He yelled.

-What? Don't you like your new nickname?- I teased him.

-No and don't talk to me.- He fastened his pace.

I caught up to him.

-Come on, you're the only person I know here.- I cried out.

-I'm sure you can make friends with those girls who are staring at you.- He tilted his head towards some girls behind me.

-But those are just fangirls. I know I'm handsome and everything but I need real friends too.- I laughed.

-Yeah, no. Keep your serotonin to yourself.- Chuuya glared at me.

I still followed him to the classroom because we were classmates, but I could tell he was pissed. We sat down at our desks at the back of the classroom. Teacher walked in and started the lesson.

Math is so boring, I thoughy to myself. I looked over to Chuuya. He had his hood up like always and was scribbling something in his notebook. I tried seeing what was he drawing or writing but Chuuya was blocking the view with his arm. Strangely enough, he had leather gloves on. Why though? Was he cold or something?

Lesson finished. Chuuya walked out of the classroom. I tried following him but when I turned to the hallway, he was already gone, like always. The rest of the day at school was pretty boring until one incident.

I walked outside to go home when I heard the sound of someone punching. I turned the corner of the school and saw Chuuya beating someone up. He trew a punch at a guy way taller than himself and he flew across, hitting his head to the wall. People around them were standing, watching and whispering with each other.

I ran up to Chuuya.

-What happened?- I tried to stop him from continuing the fight, holding his wrists.

-Nothing, get off me!- He tried to get away.

-Not until you explain.

-You know I could beat you up too so don't get in my way!

-I would want to see you try.- I responded.

-Yeah, whatever. Don't ever touch me again.- He removed my hands from his wrists and wiped the blood off his lips.

Chuuya walked off putting his hands in his pockets again.

People started scattering and some of them were helping the guy that got beat up. Soon after I heard ambulance sirens.

-Do you know what happened?- I asked some random boy.

-I don't really know. I came here later when I heard about this fight.

-I heard that, that loner beat him up because the guy tried taking off his glove or something.

-Oh, I see. Thank you for the information.- I thanked and ran towards the direction Chuuya walked off.

I caught up to Chuuya but hid near so he wouldn't see me. He walked to some sketchy alley and I followed but when he turned right I lost him again. It's like he just evaporates in to air.

I walked home, losing my hope of finding out what Chuuya's hiding.

After I got to my house, I started my research. I tried googling him, his socials but nothing came up. I got a bit disappointed.

My mom walked into my room.

-Want some dinner? I made chicken curry.- She offered.

-No, I'm doing something important now.

-Oh, what is so important you would miss your favourite meal?

-One guy in my class... He's very mysterious and strange. At first he looks small, shy and dark but then the other minute he puts a guy into the hospital! Pretty strange, isn't it?

-What's his name?- My mother asked.

-Chuuya... Chuuya Nakahara.

-Oh, Nakahara. I heard his parents died in a fire, I believe. Poor kid, he was just 10 years old.

-Oh, I feel so sorry for him.

-I heard he lives alone now, sadly I don't know where.

~Next day at school~

I didn't talk to Chuuya all day. I wanted to ask him about everything, but it seemed wrong asking about his parents death.

Instead of talking to Chuuya, I found a new friend. His name was Ranpo and he was a 12th grader. I know it's a bit weird for an 11th grader to be friends with a 12th grader but he was nice. (A/N just pretend Ranpo is only a year older). We got to know each other a little more and I asked him a few questions about Chuuya but he didn't know any answers to them.

-Gosh, why does he have to be so secretive? What is he hiding?- I sighed.

-Yeah, that boy is a mystery to everyone.- Ranpo answered.

-Maybe he's a drug dealer or something?- I thought aloud.

-That could be it but somehow I don't think so. He would have "friends" then, who he sells the drugs to, but he doesn't communicate with anyone.

-Well, I don't want to think about it right now. Let's go get some coffee.- I said.

We walked up to a caffe down the street from our school. Because the lessons were over, I didn't rush anywhere. I ordered a tall black iced coffee and Ranpo ordered a tall matcha latte. We drank and talked for about 30 minutes when I saw a man in a black coat walk into the cafe. He had black hair with white ends. He had sunglasses on. The mysterious man sat down but didn't order anything, saying he was waiting for a friend. Another few minutes pass by and Chuuya walks into the cafe but he looked different. He was wearing a black coat, white shirt, a black hat and his gloves. He was carrying some big envelope.

-Hey, Chu-chu!- I waved and shouted.

I wanted to embarrass him because he looked too serious. When he saw me and Ranpo, he turned around and walked straight out of the cafe. What was in that envelope though?

The man in the black followed Chuuya out. They were saying something but I couldn't hear or understand what. Then Chuuya gave the man the envelope.

-He said something about making the boss mad and a mission they have to complete.- Ranpo suddenly said.- I can read from lips a bit.- He explained.

-Do they belong to a mafia or something?- I was curious.

-Dunno, maybe. But Chuuya's just 17-years-old. Isn't he too young?

-What do you know? Maybe mafias started hiring teens.- I joked.


-1131 words

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