Chapter XII: Our stray love

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Chuuya's pov-

-I would say I'm pretty strong, not as strong as Chuuya here.- Dazai turned to me.- That bullet thing was so cool!

-T-thanks, I guess...

-And, Osamu Dazai, say, how good are you with guns?- Mori continued questioning him.

-You know, asking these type of questions is pretty weird. But if I have to answer, I'm better with knives.- Bandages answered.

-I see, good, good. Chuuya, can I talk to you in private?

-Yeah, sure.

Dazai walked out of the room.

-So?- I asked.

-I think with a bit of training he could be useful.

I exhaled my breath I was holding in.

-And the possibility that he's an ability user is 50% so we still have a chance.- Boss looked hopeful.- If he is, he would be a strong wielder. Come with him tomorrow during lunch, I'll see what I can do.

-Yes, sir.- I walked out of the office.

Me and Dazai walked back to the school and spent the last two lessons passing notes one to another.

After school we decided to go on that date we planned some time ago. We drove to the new cafe on my motorcycle and ordered some coffee. We held hands, talked and laughed. We discussed the suicide rates and had an argument about the worst animal on Earth.

-I don't like dogs, they're dirty and clingy.- Dazai said.

-Look who's talking. Dogs are playful and they look so happy all the time.- I argued back.- I hate anteaters though. (A/N Idk Chuuya looks like a person who wouldn't like anteaters.)

-Why? They're so cute with their little noses and long tongues.

-But who the fact enjoys eating ants? It's disgusting.

The argument ended in Dazai giving up.

-Oh, someones mad?- I teased him.

-And what if I am?

-Then...- I took his hand and kissed it, then stroked his soft skin with my thumb.

-Then, yes, I am mad.

While we talked and flirted, had a great time, some middle-aged woman came up to us.

-Are you two dating?- She asked with an angry look on her face.

-Yes, we are.- I answered.

-Can you not do that in public? There are little children here, you don't need to show your homosexual tensions here. It's a disgrace and a sin.

-Says who?- Dazai looked bored.

-The bible.- She answered.

-Well, the bible was wrote by some white cis men who just started a cult and other people joined in and called it a religion.

-Uhh, I will call the manager of this cafe to take you out.

-Come on, do it.- I smiled.- No ones stopping you. Or you can go away minding your own fucking business.

The lady walked away angry. I was happy because of that. (A/N GAY RIGHTS!).

-Gosh, these type of people suck.- Dazai sighed.



Dazai's pov-

We were walking down the street, looking around different shops windows. We came in one vintage store. I was looking around the clothes section while Chuuya was doing something at the back of the store. When I came up to him he hid a small thing behind his back.

-I didn't find anything. Let's go?- I asked.

-Yeah, can you wait outside? I want to quickly purchase something.

-Yeah, okay.- I walked out and waited for a minute or two till Chuuya got back.

-So what did you buy?- I was curious.

-You'll see later.- He smirked.

-Okay then. Where do you want to go next?

-I know a place.- He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the Port mafia building.

-What are we doing here? I thought we didn't need to come back until tomorrow...- I wondered.

-Yeah, but I want to show you something.

We rose up with an elevator to the building roof. We sat down at the edge of it.

-This is scarrier than it seems.- I gasped.

-But it's beautiful...

The sun was setting down by every minute. It painted the sky pastel red and orange colors. A few clouds floating around made the view even more magnificent. From the top of this building we could see the city perfectly. Tiny people were driving tiny cars. It was in fact pretty but from the height we were at, it was pretty scary.

I grabbed onto Chuuya's coat. He noticed that I was a bit paler than usual and hugged me, burying my face into his chest. I calmed down almost immediately. The warmth from his body made me feel more comfortable and all I could hear was his heartbeat.

-Dazai...- Chuuya whispered.- It's okay, I'm here and I will protect you.

I slowly lifted my head and looked into his blue eyes.

-Here, I have something for you.- Chuuya took out a small box out of his pocket.

I opened it. There was a small old golden watch. At the back of it there was something engraved - "If I find a way, love won't stray."

I turned back to Chuuya.

-Do you not like it?- He seemed a bit disappointed.

-No, no, I love it.

-Really? Because I thought of getting you a ring but I couldn't find the right-.

I interrupted him with a kiss on the lips.

-I love it.- I repeated.

Then our lips touched again...

-883 words

I could've written more but I'm
tired so I'll write the next chapter tomorrow. Sorry for the boring chapter but I'm running out of ideas for today.

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