Chapter IV: Bloody treasures

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3rd person pov-

Chuuya secretly ran out of the school to the parking lot. He came up to his motorcycle and sat on it, then drove off. He rode to a tall abandoned building, then came in. Inside there were glass shards and wall smithereens all over the floor. On one of the walls there was a graffiti painting. A man with a grey hoodie and black leather jacket was leaning on that particular wall.

-Well, well, well. You came. Do you have the stuff?- The man asked.

-Yeah, here.- Chuuya answered handing him a backpack.

The stranger in exchange gave him a small leather bag. Chuuya looked inside. It was filled with small diamonds. He took one out and lifted it up to a sunbeam to make sure it was real. (A/N I feel like Chuuya would know a lot about gemstones and stuff like that). It was in fact real so Chuuya put it back and put the bag in his pocket.

When he was about to leave the man opened the backpack. It was full of plain rocks.

-Hey, you shithead! Is this some kind of prank or something? I gave you the diamonds now give me my guns!

-First, they're not your guns and second, I know those diamonds were mined illegally AND you stole them so they don't belong to you either. Now get out of my sight before I blast your ass.

-What could a short teen do to me?

When those words came out of his mouth, Chuuya jumped up to the ceiling and from it jumped straight to the guy, kicking his face. He did everything with his hands in his pockets.

The stranger tried standing up but Chuuya lifted him up by his shirt collar. He glanced at the man with a psychotic look in his eyes and an evil smirk across his face.

-No, please, stop. I-i will do anything, just let me go. Please.- the guy begged.

-Looks like all of your bravery turned to dust. Am I not just a short teen who can't do anything to you?- Chuuya teased him.

Then he threw him across the building, straight to the wall. Chuuya walked up to him again, pressed his foot on his chest and leaned closer.

-Don't ever make fun of my height.


Dazai's pov-

I was already in the classroom. There was a few minutes before the lesson and Chuuya walked in right on time.

-Hey, Orangehead.

-You're still sticking to your nicknames?- He looked annoyed.

-Forever and ever.- I answered.

-Okay then, Waste-of-bandages. Why do you even have those?

-Oh, umm, it looks stylish?- I didn't want to say the real reason.- And what happened to you? Why is your hoodie so dirty? Is that blood?

-Oh, no, I tripped and spilled coffee on myself...

-Did you get into another fight? Who did you put in hospital this time?

-No one... Speaking of fights... I heard people talking shit about you.- Chuuya looked concerned.

-R-really? A-and what are they saying?- I stuttered out.

-Something about how you started a fight with the 12th grader Yamamoto. Is that true?- Chuuya's eyes lit up.

-Well, it wasn't anything serious-.-I got interrupted.

-Did you win?

-Of course I won. What do you think I am? Some weak noodle?


-Uhh, I'm offended now.- I acted mad - I crossed my arms and turned away.

-Come on, I was kidding... Kind of... I just didn't think you were that type to get involved into fights.

-First of all, I didn't get involved, I started it and second of all, he was insulting my friend, what should I had done? Like I don't tolerate violence unless it's necessary.

-Okay, okay, whatever, Bandages.

-627 words

I know that this chapter was short but I'm tired and don't have any more ideas for it. Also blood diamonds are a real thing. Diamonds from Africa were being sold for military weapons. They are banned now but some illegal trades are still being made.

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