Chapter I: Man of the mystery

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A/N this is an older fanfic of mine which I wrote with no plan or experience in writing so this won't be as good, but if you do decide to read this get ready to cringe at my lack of knowledge in writing.

3rd person pov-

It was a sunny day in Yokohama. Small breeze was blowing through trees. Sunbeams were falling onto Dazai's face. He was standing in front of a high school he just transfered to. It was his first day here so Dazai was a bit nervous. He also stood out from the crowd because of how tall he was and his fluffy brown hair. He was wearing his new uniform - white shirt, dark red jacket with golden details and a gold emblem, black pants and his bandages he always wears on his arms and neck. Some people were staring at him because they have never seen the new guy here before.

Dazai was looking through his timetable searching for where should he go first.

- English - first lesson huh?- He muttered and walked into the building.

He turned left to the classroom No. 005. Classes have already started so the hallways were empty. Dazai walked up to the classroom door and knocked, then walked in. Everybody in class was staring at him. Dazai got even more nervous now.

- Class, today we're having a new transfer student from Osaka. Introduce yourself.

Dazai's pov-

The teacher turned to me.

- Hello, I'm Dazai Osamu. I was born here in Yokohama but I lived in Osaka. I moved here recently so I could finish my studies. I hope we will get along.

- Thank you, Dazai. Everyone, be nice to him. You can sit over there.

The teacher pointed to a desk at back of the class, next to a person with a black hood up. I couldn't see his face really well, but from his body I could tell he was a boy. He was pretty short but I don't ever underestimate anyone so I kept my distance.

- Hey,- I whispered to him. - I'm Dazai, what's your name?

He didn't say anything, just turned to me. He looked at me with his bright blue eyes. I noticed that he had orange hair which framed his face perfectly. He wasn't wearing the usual uniform, instead the stranger was wearing black hoodie and black jeans. He had his hands in his hoodie pockets.

I looked at him with a questionable look but he just rolled his eyes, then really quietly muttered:

- I'm... - I couldn't hear the last part.

- What?

- I'm Chuuya... - He repeated a bit louder.

-Oh, okay, Chuuya, nice to meet you.

-Yeah, whatever.

- Dazai, translate to english ''O jama ni natte sumimasen''. - Teacher suddenly said.

- Yes, it means ''I'm sorry for bothering you''. (A/N I don't speak japanese so sorry if it's wrong and keep in mind they are still in Japan and japanese is their main language, I'm just writing in english.)

- Good, good. Now ''Eigo o hanasemasu ka?''. - She continued questioning me.

- Do you speak english?- I answered.

- And Chuuya answer to his question.

-Yes, I speak english, - Chuuya answered.

The lesson went smoothly because I knew english pretty well. Other lessons went fine too, up until lunch. I was searching for Chuuya because he was the only person I knew in the whole school, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Instead some two girls came up to me.

- Hey, you're that new guy the whole school is talking about, right? - one of them started the converstation.

- Yeah, I guess. I'm kind of busy right now, I'm searching for someone,- I replied.

- Oh, who? I know all the people in school, I can help you, - The other girl said.

- I'm searching for Chuuya, that short, orange-haired, blue-eyed boy. Have you seen him?

- Oh, that outcast? Yeah, no, nobody knows where he goes during breaks. He just dissapears. Total loner and weirdo. You know, one time I heard someone called him weird to his face and that Chuuya guy punched him so hard he's now in hospital still recovering. You should be carefull around him.

- Somehow I find that completely false. It's probably just rumors, he seemed nice in class,- I lied.

- Yeah, but still. He could be a demon in disguise,- The girls said and walked away.

I continued my searching but it was unsuccesful so I returned to the classroom right after the bell. I saw Chuuya sitting in his usual spot. Maybe he didn't left the classroom for lunch? I thought.

- Hey, Chuuya,- I said.

He just ignored me and pulled his hood over his face. The lesson started. Biology teacher talked about plant reproduction and I was writing everything down in my notes until Principle's assistant came in.

- Chuuya Nakahara, come with me, - she said.

Where was he going? What happened? Is he okay? Why am I so worried about him?

I tried not to worry about it but Chuuya kept coming back to my mind. I couldn't focus on the lesson. I raised my hand.

- Teacher, may I go to the bathroom?- I asked.

- Okay, but hurry,- Teacher sighed.

I walked through the hallway, watching students play football outside the window. My eyes followed the ball, but then they stopped at a boy with a black hoodie who was sneaking near one of the school walls. It was Chuuya! Where was he going? Why is he skipping biology? The questions started to fill my head again. I tried to ignore it and walked to the bathroom.

-910 words

God of my realm (Dazai x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now