Chapter III: I'll be always waiting for you

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Dazai's pov-

It's been a week since the cafe incident. Chuuya keeps ignoring or avoiding me so I can't properly talk to him about everything. Me and Ranpo though became better friends.

I was sitting in the classroom, waiting for the english teacher. Chuuya wasn't here yet... When the teacher came in, the lesson started. Everything was fine until Chuuya came in through the door. He was looking at the floor, not making eye contact with anyone. He had his hands in his pockets like usually. He sat down next to me, not saying anything.

-Pssst. Chuuya.- I whispered.

He just ignored like always.




Still nothing.

-Orange. You know I'm not gonna stop until you answer.- I annoyed him.

-What do you want?- He spat out.

-You know, the hat suits you and the coat is stylish,- I snickered.

Chuuya just rolled his eyes at me.

-Yeah, whatever. Can we now please pay attention to the lesson?- He said.

-Since when do you pay attention in class?

-Since you started being annoying.

-I was always annoying.

-Exactly. Now shut up.

I ripped out a piece of paper out of my notebook. I wrote a note - ''What happened in the cafe? And why are you avoiding me?''. I threw it onto Chuuya's desk and looked at him with a smile. Chuuya read it and looked at me with a very annoyed look on his face. Then rolled his eyes, wrote something down and trew the paper back. ''Not your bussiness and because you're annoying.''

''It is my bussiness because you're my friend now and maybe I do like teasing you but I'm not THAT annoying.''

Chuuya's pov-

H-he's my friend? I read the words over and over trying to see maybe I'm hallucinating but turns out I'm not. Friend... What does it actually mean? Does he trust me now?

I always cover up my secrets with ''Not your bussiness'' or ''Fuck off'' but the fact is I can't tell them what's actually happening. I can't bring innocent people into this... I always push people away because I'm scared of hurting them physically and metally. First of all, I don't know how does friendship work and how to talk to people. My whole life I was alone, I've never had friends. Second of all, I'm working in a mafia. Not any kind of mafia - The Port mafia - One of the strongest mafias in the world. Third of all, no one and I say NO ONE can find out about my ability - upon the tainted sorrow and especially Corruption, of course exept for the people at my work who also have other abilities.

- Chuuya, hey, Chu-chu.- Dazai was waving his hand in front of me. - You zoned out. The lesson is over now.

I came back to reality. I quickly tilted my head down, then stood up and walked out.

Dazai's pov-

He just walked away!

-Hey, Orangehead, where are you going.- I asked.

-Nowhere. Fuck off.

-Well that was a bit mean.- I muttered.-Wait up!

I quickly ran up to him and grabbed his wrist.

-Didn't I tell you not to fucking touch me?!- He yelled.

But I didn't give up and held his wrist tight. I looked down at it and saw that it had a few scars on it, then I looked at his hand which was covered with a glove.

-What's actually happening? Are you okay?- I was a bit worried for him.

-I'm okay, now let go of me!

-No, I won't.

Everyone from the class was gone by now.

-What do you want from me?- He turned away from me, but I managed to see that his face was wet from tears.

-Listen, I know you're hiding something. The problem is I don't know what and you always just dissapear into thin air. So, I'm asking you this again, What's happening with you?- My tone was serious.

-Why can't you just leave me alone?- His voice was trembling and then he broke down.

Chuuya squated down, putting his face in his palms.

-Please, just leave me alone. Go away!

-I won't. I won't ever go away, I will annoy you till the end.- I smiled at him.

He wiped off his tears and looked at me. It was the first time we made eye contact. I squatted down next to him and hugged him.

-It will be okay. I won't press you to tell me everything but please don't run away from me. I want to be your friend, but for that to happen you have to let me in.

-Okay, I'll try but I'm not a nice person so be aware - you will get roasted.

-Don't worry, I can fight back.- I smirked.

-Okay, I think we should go to the next class.

-Yeah, okay. Let's go together?


During the rest of the breaks until lunch, I talked about things I like inserting some question for Chuuya but he usually just shrugged his shoulders or said ''Dunno''.

Then the lunch break came. I was walking with Chuuya down the hallway talking about how I would want to commit suicide in some different and funny way when Chuuya looked at his phone and interrupted me.

-Umm... Dazai, I have to go now... I will see you during the next lesson.- He said.

-Yeah, okay.- I have already dealt with the fact that he won't tell me where he's going.- See you later then.

-Yeah, bye.- He replied and ran off.

Right after that, some guy walked up to me. He was the same height as me and had black wavy hair.

-You're friends with him?- He looked disgusted.

-Yeah, and? You got a problem with that?- I said in a sassy tone.

-No, just. You know he's really weird. He's always alone and gets into fights.

-You think I don't know that? If that's it you can leave. You wouldn't want to end up like that guy who's now in hospital because of Chuuya? And Chuuya's not the only one with the punches.- I smirked.

-You will wind up just like him - a loner with no friends. I'm starting to think he's on crack or something.

-That's it. You can insult me but you can't insult my friends like that.

As I said that, I grabbed his arm, turned him around and kicked him to the floor. The guy growned from pain. Then I proceeded to step on his back and leaned to his ear.

-I said, Chuuya's not the only one with punches here, so how about you take you're insults to the trashcan where your opinion belongs.- I grinned and walked away.- Au revoir, mes amis.

-1118 word.

Hey, hope you like the story so far. I had this idea for this book but I don't know if something similar to this plot line has already been written. Leave ideas in the comments because tbh I don't know what's comming next either.

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