Epilogue: Future without you

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3rd person pov-

It's been a year since the incident. Chuuya and Dazai graduated together. It was a big festival. Their school pricipal said a speech and handed out their diplomas.

After the graduation, Chuuya and Dazai stood outside while Dazai's mother took a picture of them together outside of school.

-Smile!- She said and took another picture.

-Wait, take another.- Dazai said and kissed Chuuya on the lips for the picture.

-This is going to be the best one.- His mother said.

-Yeah.- Chuuya agreed.

-Let's go grab some food before we get home!- Dazai was really happy.

-Yeah, okay. Can we get go get some curry?- Chuuya asked.

-Ooh, yeah, I'm craving some chicken curry right now.- Dazai agreed.

-Okay, boys. I can drive you.- Dazai's mother said.

-After 1 more long year together-

Chuuya and Dazai just finished a mission - they needed to capture a drug dealer who scams others. It was successful.

-Should we go grab a coffee?- Chuuya offered.

-Yeah, sure but before we go...- Dazai kneeled down on one knee and took out a ring from his pocket. It was white gold with a craving which said "Our stray love". - Chuuya Nakahara, my one true love, will you marry me?

Chuuya gasped.

-Oh my god, Dazai, yes!- He took the ring and put it on his finger, then tightly hugged Dazai.

Akutagawa, who was standing behind them started clapping.

-Congratulations, lovebirds, now let's go back to Mori, he has something to say to you two.

They got back to the Port mafia building and rose up to Mori's office. They knocked and then stepped in.

-Well hello, fiancés. I heard you got married and I know I don't really allow open relationships here but you two are an exeption because of course I've seen you fight together. Also, I have a present for you.- Mori handed a average size wooden box.

They opened it and inside they found two matching knives - one was steel with golden details and the other was steel with bronze details.

-Thank you so much, Boss.- Dazai thanked.

-Yes, thank you. We really appreciate the gift.- Chuuya added.

-Yes, some say they're magical but no one knows for sure. I believe your relationship can make anything happen.

-Thanks again.- Chuuya bowed and they walked out

Before going back to their house, they stopped at their favourite coffee shop - the same one Dazai and Ranpo caught Chuuya with Akutagawa in, the same one they argued with many homophobes in. They got their drinks and drove back on Chuuya's motorcycle to their house, which was near the Yokohoma beach where they watched the stars together. Dazai and Chuuya's life together was perfect and not even the strongest enemy could break their bond.


-442 words

Finished finally!!! Hope you enjoyed this Soukoku story. I know I teased you a lot but the end is happy so there you go. Also, I have written a soukoku oneshots book so please go read those too. Make sure to take care of yourselves - always drink water and eat! See you in the next book!

(Edit after a loooong time lmao: I've been on break for quite a while now and for some time had this fanfic privated but now it's up again. If you have read this all the way through, thank you for reading and for dealing with my old shitty writing style lol. But if you liked this please check out my one shot book which I will start updating again soon!)

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