1- The Portal

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Your POV

You threw aside your bag and keys as you came into your house from work. It had been a long, long day with crazy people. Worse than normal. Since you worked at a hospital, you worked odd shifts. So at the moment it was 3am. Sighing you went to change into more comfortable clothes and a messy bun, starting to boil water as you went by the oven for your dinner. You came out of your room dressed in a hoodie and sleep shorts and started on your dinner, Alfredo pasta, but got lost in thoughts while cooking.

Since you wrote a few fanfictions in your spare time, you decided tonight you would finish the one you had been working on. A TMNT one that you thought of and started. Since that was your favourite tv show, movie, anything. You finished making dinner quickly and grabbed your laptop and a DVD for inspiration. TMNT 2016. It was by far one of your favourite movies.

As you threw it in and waited for it to load, you started up Wattpad on your laptop, logging in and going to your story. You ate a few bites of your food and watched the opening of the movie, trying to get inspiration for your story, giggling at "squirrel formation". You had to admit, one of the biggest reasons you watched this movie was for one specific turtle.


God you fangirled over him anytime you saw him. The sapphire eyes, the elegant yet fierce fighting style. Everything about him screamed perfect. Sighing, you put down your food and turned your attention to your story.

This is what you had wrote so far: The Kraang had him pinned but Donnie jumped in at the last minute, narrowly missing being shot to save Mikey. "Thanks dude," he said, before running back into the fight. Donnie just shook his head before he too went back in. Leo and Raph on the other hand were back to back, surrounded by what seemed like endless Kraang. But all of a sudden everything stopped as a low rumbling sound emerged. Everyone looked around before Leo noticed a portal opening up in the sky. "Run!" He yelled to his brothers. But it was too late. The portal was getting bigger, the wind sucked them in and they disappeared.

Then your writing stopped. You couldn't think of what to do next so you absentmindedly tapped your nails against the keys of your laptop while watching the movie. Then a noise began. Your fork rattled against your dish and the lights bounced around. You looked around in panic. "An earthquake?" You thought before grabbing your phone and running to your window to check. But as you slid your back door open, the shaking stopped as suddenly as it had began. You frowned as you noticed a light in the sky above your backyard.

Then POOF. The light shot out four figures and they landed, hard, in a pile in your yard. You stood frozen with wide eyes as the pile of-... things-... moved around and groaned in pain.

"Ahh dude get off of me. You're heavy,"

"Shut up Mikey," said a chorus of voices. "Mikey??" You thought to yourself. The pile finally dispersed and they all stood up. You counted four large, muscled figures, none of which looked human. Then you frowned, remembering what movie you had on. Turning to your still open door, you looked at the TV and saw Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie in the garbage truck trying to keep Shredder from escaping. Your eyes went wide in realization and you turned back to the turtles who still hadn't noticed you were there. "No-.. way-.." you thought.

"Eh hem-..." you cleared your throat. The turtles froze.

"Did she see us?"
"Of course she saw us dimwit,"
"Guys be quiet,"
"She doesn't look very happy," they were all whisper yelling at each other and you stood there with your hands on your hips until one of them moved slightly towards you. You still couldn't fully see because it was dark, but you were pretty sure what they were.

"Umm-.. sorry miss, for bothering you. We'll be on our way now," said a voice who you immediately recognized as Leo. Internally you were screaming in fangirl. But on the outside you hid your emotion well.

"Umm no," was all you said. They all turned to you. "You need to stay here so I can figure out what is going on," you said.

"Nothing is going on. We just have to get back home. We were in the middle of a fight with the Kraang." Said Leo. You shook your head in disbelief. You had just written that. In your book.

"Oh no"

You shook your head and pointed to your door.

"Please. You need to come in," you pleaded. "Something isn't right here. You aren't supposed to be here. I can help you." They all kept quiet. You huffed in annoyance. "Fine. You want to play it that way. I see how it is. LEO get you and your brothers shells inside my house. NOW!!" You yelled as loud as you could so not to wake the neighbours.

"Wait a-..." said Leo.
"Whoaaa she knows our names! Cool!" Said what you assumed was Mikey. You smirked.

"Now are ya gonnna come in?"

That was fun already. So what's happening is you are in the real world world, a writer like me, and you wrote a story that just so happened to come true. The portal that you wrote lead to your dimension and now the turtles need to find a way back. This will eventually get into a Leo and Reader story but that's not the only thing going on.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now