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Leo's POV

I yawned as I rolled over, then I realized I was no longer in the lair. My eyes shot open and I almost fell off the bed until the events of last night came back into my mind. I sighed and pushed the sheet off of me, then got up and stretched, pulling on my mask and chest plate. I looked at the bed that Y/n was so kind to lend me and made the sheets quickly, not wanting her to have to do it for me. As I looked around her room I noticed a picture of what looked like Y/n and a man and woman beside her. I wondered if it was her family, but quickly looked away so I didn't feel like I was snooping.

As I went towards the door, I heard Y/n talking to Raph quietly in the other room. He was always up early training so I wasn't surprised, but I was sort of surprised that Y/n was up so early. So not wanting to stand around any longer, I sheathed my katanas and headed out to where Raph and Y/n were sitting, both drinking something white from two cups. Forgetting I was a ninja, I wandered over behind them and set my hands on the couch, earning a startled jump from Y/n and a chuckle from Raph.

"Sorry," I said, holding in a laugh as she held her drink tighter.

"It's fine," she huffed over Raph's laughter. Then he stood and nodded a thanks to her and smiled before heading to place his emptied cup in the sink. "I haven't seen him this calm in a long time," I thought to myself

"Thanks for everything again," he said and she smiled in return. "I think ya might have some more to talk about with him," he said pointing at me. "I'll be exploring around if that's alright," and Y/n nodded.

"I don't know how long you guys will be here so make yourself at home," then she stopped at his smirk. "Just don't break anything." Raph laughed.

"That's Mikeys job," then he disappeared around the corner, giving me a short nod. She smiled at me and I took a seat next to her. At least she wasn't as uncomfortable today as she was yesterday. She caught me staring and I felt myself blush.

"So what are you doing up?" I asked. She shrugged and took some more of her drink.

"Couldn't sleep. And I was hungry. Then Raph woke up too and now here we are." I chuckled and nodded at her hand.

"What even is that? Looks like a milkshake." She laughed and shook her head.

"Close. It's a protein shake. That's what Raph had too," then she put it down and turned to face me more comfortably. "So," she started. "Raph had a few questions and since I answered his, it's only fair I answer some more of yours. You know after I-... yelled at you," she finished quietly.

"That wasn't your fault. I should've believed you," I said. She nodded then urged me to ask anything I wanted. I thought for a moment. I assumed Donnie would ask better questions, so I decided to get to know her more.

"So are you a-... I'm not sure-... fan? of that movie we watched last night of us?" She nodded.

"I've loved you guys since I was a kid."

"Well that's nice to hear." She just laughed. I thought of more questions. "What's different here than our world?" She thought about it for a moment and I took the time to look at her. She had beautiful e/c eyes and long h/c hair. She looked around 18, around my age, and I had to say she looked GREAT in blue.

"I mean other than the big ones. No foot clan or Shredder. No Kraang. No mad scientists trying to mutate humans. The basics," she joked. I nodded thoughtfully.

"I saw a picture in your room. I don't mean to snoop, but was that your family?"

Your POV

"Was that your family?" He asked. You froze as memories came flooding back.

Cancer. I'm sorry. Terminal. Flashing blue and red lights. Cops showing up at a 17 year olds door.

Your parents were on their way home from your moms chemo appointment when a drunk teen driver smashed into them, killing your mom on impact and killing your dad on the way to the hospital. The cops showed up at around 6pm that night. You remembered being happy because your mom had texted saying her doctors were happy with her progress. Until you answered your door and saw two police officers with their hats off, you suspected the worst. They told you your parents were in an accident and killed. Everything after that was a blur. You got the house being the only child, and child and family services let you live alone after you requested it. You were 17 after all. No sense in going through foster care when you only had one year left. Now you were 18 and it was still pretty fresh.

"Y/n?" You heard him ask. "Are you okay?" He asked, his blue eyes full of concern. It was then you realized that a few tears had started to fall. You quickly brushed them away and plastered on a fake smile.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. Yes. That picture was of me and my parents." He nodded, but his eyes still held concern. You looked down. "Umm-... they-... they were in an accident a year ago," you started and you heard Leo take a sharp inhale of breath as your fake smile dropped.

"Y/n, I am so, so sorry. I wouldn't have brought it up if I had known." You gave him a small smile.

"Thanks. But really, it's fine. My mom had cancer and she wasn't doing well anyway. At least she went quickly instead of the cancer eating away at her. I'm an only child so that's why I have this huge house all to myself. Gets kinda lonely sometimes, ya know?," you said. He nodded as he looked down. "*ahem* is there anything else you wanted to know?" You asked changing the subject.

"Not really. Donnie will ask all the important questions and he'll relay the info to me," he said. You glanced at the time. It was 10:45 now. The boys must be hungry.

"You up for some breakfast?" You asked as cheerfully as you could. He gave a smile and nodded.

"Sure. I can help you if you wan-..."

"NO!" You cut him off quickly, then cleared your throat. "Sorry. It's not you. It's just that I've seen what happens when you go near a kitchen. And I just deep cleaned this place," you said and he laughed. "I'm fine with Mikey helping me in the kitchen. You not so much. I don't want my toaster broken." He took a seat at the stool by the counter as you started grabbing things for pancakes.

"I see you do know a few things about us," he said blushing and you giggled at his reaction to you saying about the toaster.

"Told ya so," you answered and started on making breakfast, ignoring the fresh wound that was left on your heart after talking about your parents. As much as you were doing fine on your own, it was still hard.

Until a hug from behind caught you off guard and you laughed, knowing exactly who it was.

"Morning dudette!!" Said Mikey. "Whatcha making there? OHH pancakes. Can I help? I hope you didn't let Leo help. He would burn your kitchen down," he spoke energetically.

"Hey!" Said Leo defensively. You laughed at Mikeys rambling and nodded.

"For sure Mikey. I'm almost finished up with the batter if you want to start cooking some." He shot you finger guns.

"Sure dudette."

"And no. I made sure Leo stayed seated and not near my cooking," you whispered not so quietly to Mikey which made Leo grumble about how the toaster was cursed and it wasn't his fault. You laughed at stories and jokes from Mikey and Leo until Raph appeared and he joined in too.

That was the first time in a long time you felt like you had an actual family.

Darn. I didn't want to make your parents deaths too sad but I mean, it's pretty sad. Ah well. At least Mikey gave you a hug;)

Leave comments and requests on how you want the next chapters to go!!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now