10- Seeing Red

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Your POV

After taking a cold shower and screaming at yourself inside your head for the way you bolted on Leo, you lay on the makeshift couch-bed, unable to sleep. The way Leo was looking at you wouldn't leave your head. You groaned and sat up, checking your phone. 4am. The boys had long since gone to bed, Leo barely saying goodnight before shutting himself in your room. The others came and said goodnight before heading off to bed.

You flopped back down and dragged your hands down your face.

"What is this turtle doing to me?" You thought to yourself, before finally drifting off into a light, unrestful sleep.

Time skip to 8am

You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and got off the couch, grabbing the extra clothes that you laid on the table last night. It was a tight purple long sleeve exercise shirt and black leggings, with a pair of white Nike exercise shoes. You tied up your hair and grabbed your phone and earbuds, playing one of your favourite playlists. Then you opened the secret door to your basement and went down to the gym. You looked around for Raph, but you didn't see him so you went over to the punching bag and started wrapping your hands.

What you didn't know was that the red clad turtle was just in the bathroom. You turned your music up and started hitting the bag repeatedly. Harder and harder, trying to get what happened last night with Leo out of your mind. You stopped for a second to take a breather, then went back into it. You hit the bag as if your life depended on it, then quickly finished your workout by doing a spinning roundhouse kick and landing softly.

You pulled out an earbud and heard light clapping behind you. You spun around to see the hot-head turtle leaning against the wall, clapping. He nodded at you and smirked.

"You're up early again," you said. He shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep. I shoulda been up training already." Then he smirked. "How's things going with fearless. He seemed kinda shaken last night." You felt your cheeks heat. Raph knew.

"What do you mean," you asked trying to steady your voice. He chuckled.

"Don't try and give me that made up story. I know you have it bad for my brother." Then he stared directly at you, emerald eyes glinting. "And just so you know, he seems to have it bad for you too." He finished and you looked at him, surprised. He shrugged and nodded at the punching bag. "Turn your hips a bit to the right," he said. You raised an eyebrow. "Trust me. You'll get more power behind your punches." You went back to the bag and he came up behind you, grabbing your hips and turning them slightly to the right, then pushing up your one arm and pushing in your elbow. He crossed his arms and nodded at the bag. "Now try," you looked at him, then back at the bag. Taking a breath you hit the bag once, visibly moving it way more than before, and feeling the hit reverberate to your spine. "What did I tell ya," he said.

"Wow. Thanks Raph," you smirked. "But I'm pretty sure I could still beat you in a sparring match." He raised an eye-ridge at you and let out a laugh.

"Yeah. Like you could take me tiny," he chuckled.

"Well. Let's see then," you replied. He stopped laughing and opened his mouth.

"Wait-... you're serious?" You nodded.

"Why? You afraid you're gonna lose to a girl half your size?" He shook his head.

"I just don't wanna hurt ya," he said. You crossed your arms and smirked.

"Let's see if you can even touch me." He looked at you and grinned wickedly.

"Fine then, tiny," he looked around. "Where are we doing this?" You pointed to some of the equipment.

"Just push the couch and some of this stuff back and we'll have enough room." You and Raph pushed some of the equipment out of the way and set up a few mats that you had. You laughed to yourself. Little did Raph know, you had been training in a few different martial arts since you were five. Your mom insisted on you knowing how to defend yourself and after that, you fell in love with the graceful yet dangerous art. You studied karate, ninjitsu, judo, aikido, mixed martial arts, and hapkido. That's another reason you loved watching the turtles. They each were so talented with their respective weapons, all so good at ninjitsu. You wanted nothing more than to be as skilled as Leo. But the boys didn't know that you took martial arts yet. They also didn't know that you knew how to use each and every one of their weapons.

The red clad turtle got into position on one side of the mat and you on the other. He left his sais on the couch so it was fair. No weapons, just sparring. He smirked at you and you stood with a hand on your hip. He glanced at your stance before shrugging and charging at you, throwing a quick punch at your head. You easily dodged to the side and smirked. He looked surprised.

"Alright. No more Mr. Nice turtle," he growled. You just got into a better stance and waved your hand in a "come at me movement". Raph took another few swings at you and you dodged them all easily, slapping the back of his hands mockingly when you got the chance after dodging his swings. You knew the hot-head didn't like to lose, and although he was really going at it, you weren't even breaking a sweat.

He went to sweep your legs and you hopped over them, bringing your knee up and hitting him under the chin, sending him rolling backwards. He did a backwards somersault and looked at you, fire in his eyes. You watched him charge again and found your chance. You slid between his legs, springing yourself up onto your feet behind the confused turtle. He turned just in time to see you running at him and you saw his eyes go wide. You grabbed his shoulder and sprung yourself up, swinging under his arm and around the other side of him.

"What the-..." you heard him say. You were basically gliding around him now swinging all over his body, using his muscular frame to your advantage. When he tried to grab you, you swung yourself up and onto his neck, grabbing his head and pulling him backwards so he fell, but not before you gracefully pushed yourself off him and did a flip in the air, landing behind him as he landed flat on his shell. You quickly went and put him in a tight hold, smirking.

"Still think I can't beat you red?" You asked. He tapped the mat and you released him from your hold, him gasping for breath.

"Jeez tiny," he said panting. "That was impressive." You smiled.

"Thanks," you said holding out a hand to help the big turtle up. He accepted and got to his feet. You didn't realize all the noise had caught the attention of three other turtles who were watching from the stairs. Raph shook his head.

"I could barely keep up with ya. You're fast," he admitted.

"Wanna go another round?" You asked. Now that you were warmed up, you could pull out a few more moves. He went to accept but a voice from behind you interrupted him.

"I'll go." You stopped and knew exactly who it was. Leo. You turned to see all three of the other boys watching you, Mikey and Donnie watching you excitedly. You looked at Leo, who stared you down, arms crossed. You could see some interest in his eyes about your skill but he didn't say anything else. You shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sure." Leo walked to where Raph was standing and you looked towards the hot-head. He grinned at you and gave a thumbs up. "Don't take it easy." You told yourself. You went to your side of the mat and watched Leo remove his katanas and put them on the couch. The tension in the air was palpable, the other three turtles staying silent on the side of the room. Donnies maroon eyes were watching you worried, while Mikey bounced slightly out of excitement.

Leo took his place and locked eyes with you. You took a deep breath.

"Let's do this," he said, his voice deeper than normal, with a slight growl to it. You stared back, just as fierce.

"Come at me fearless,"

Then you gave a wicked smile"This is gonna be fun."

Damn you're a ninja too. Let's see how you do against the fearless leader shall we?

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XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now