18- Caring For Them

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Your POV

The boys were still sick, you were still running around to each of them every once in a while, checking temperatures and handing out medicine. Mikey had been a huge help, but it wasn't until later that day that Donnie was able to work a bit on the portal. You helped him as much as you could and when you saw him get tired, you helped him back out to the living room to lay down. That is what you were doing now.

Raph had gotten some energy back and was talking to Mikey. His temperature was still pretty high, as was Donnies, but you were the most concerned about Leo. He was still sleeping and his fever wasn't going down. It actually raised a degree. Mikey was looking at you as you helped Donnie lay down.

"Mikey, could you go and grab some wash clothes from the bathroom closet?" You asked. He jogged over to get some and you sighed, rubbing your temples.

"How are you holding up?" Asked Donnie from his position on the air mattress. You scoffed.

"I should be asking you two that," you replied, pointing to him and Raph. They chuckled.

"It's just-... you haven't gotten any sleep and we don't need you passing out too," he pointed out. You agreed with him, but you were nurse. You were used to not sleeping for days on end.

"I'll be fine." Then you thought of something. "Do you have any idea why Mikey is the only one not sick?" You asked. Donnie shrugged and looked at Raph.

"I'm not sure. But I'll figure it out eventually," he said. You laughed.

"Not until you rest for a while longer." He just chuckled.

"Fine Mrs. Bossy," he teased. You laughed and went to get a bowl of cool water. Mikey came back with an armload of clothes as you came back with the water.

"Here ya go," he said cheerily. You got him to help wet the clothes and put them on Donnie and Raph foreheads and shoulders to try to keep them cool. Raph shivered when you gently put it on his head.

"S'cold." He muttered and you giggled, pulling the sheet tighter around him. Then you got more water in another bowl and told Mikey you were going to see Leo. He gave a sad look when you told him, as if he felt bad for his brother.

"He'll be fine Mikey. Don't worry," you reassured him. He just bit his lip and nodded, putting more clothes on Donnie and Raph. You went back into the bedroom where Leo was and set the water on the nightstand, along with the towels. You sighed when you saw him slightly twitching and groaning in his sleep, mumbling incoherently.

"Must be having a nightmare," you thought. You wet a cloth and placed it against his clammy forehead. He instantly leaned into the cool towel and you smiled sadly. It hurt to see the strong and fearless leader so-... sick. You hushed him when he started shaking again and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey there fearless. How are you feeling?" You asked softly. He groaned.

"Like I've been hit by a bus," he replied. At least he was awake. You sighed and wiped off his forehead with the towel before putting it back into the cold water and ringing it out. You put it back on his forehead while his blue eyes just watched what you were doing. You finished putting more onto his shoulders and biceps, then pointed to his legs under the sheets, blushing.

"Is it okay if I put some more on your legs?" You asked, knowing that one of the hottest parts on your body was between your legs. But it didn't matter, you just needed to lower his temperature before his fever got dangerous. He nodded and you pulled down the sheet, wincing when he shivered against the cold air. You prepared a few more towels and then placed them on his legs, mostly on the thigh. His shivering started back up and you covered him again.

"You were moving a lot in your sleep," you pointed out. "Did you have a nightmare?" He looked away from you and you tipped your head. He wouldn't look up. "Leo?"

"Sort of," he said. "I'm just worried about them. My brothers," he said quietly. You gave a sympathetic smile and put your hand on your hip.

"You do know that you have it worse than they do right? And Mikey isn't even sick," you told him. That seemed to ease his nerves a bit, but you saw him again struggling to stay awake as he shivered. You nodded a goodbye, grabbed your stuff and was about to leave before he weakly called your name.

"Y/n?" You turned to the still shivering turtle. "W-will you s-stay with me until I f-fall asleep?" He asked. The way he looked so small and innocent broke your heart.

"Yeah. Yeah Leo, I'll stay with you," you put down the bowl and sat on the edge of the bed. You grabbed Leo's hand again and rubbed circles, knowing it calmed him down from the last time. He let out a small but content sigh and you smiled, watching his breathing even out until he fell asleep. You quietly got up and put his hand down, watching to see if he moved. He didn't, so you leaned down and brushed your lips against his hot cheek lightly, before backing up and leaving the room.

"Good night Leo."

As you went out to the living room, Mikey looked at you with a worried look. Donnie was sitting up and also looked at you.

"What's wrong?" You asked, walking over to them. Donnie glanced at Mikey before looking back at you, his eyes full of worry.

"I think I know why were getting sick."

Cliffhanger! But don't worry! The next chapter will be out later today or tomorrow!!

Go read my other TMNT book!! It will also be updated later today or tomorrow!!

A huge thank you to all those who have been voting!! You don't know how much I appreciate it!!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now