8- House Tour

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Raphael's POV

I like her. She seems feisty and tough, living by herself. I wonder why she lives by herself? Ah well. At least we know we can trust one person in this world.

Michelangelo's POV

WHOA the dudette seems awesome!! And she knows so much! She's like a witch! Or a psychic! That's sick!

Donatello's POV

Oh. My. Gosh!! Someone who is actually interested in my work! Imagine the projects we could do! I gotta get working on those watches for us, her idea was genius! Especially since we might be here for awhile... oh well. I'm sure we will get along great!

Your POV

After you and Donnie reappeared, you took the turtles on a tour around your house.

"Obviously you know where the bedrooms are. The one Raph, Donnie, and Mikey slept in was the guest room," then you felt a small blush creep across your cheeks. "The room Leo was in is my bedroom." Raph caught your glance and smirked in knowing. Crap. "*ahem* you obviously saw the living room and kitchen. So here is the first bathroom," you said pointing down the hall. Then you went to a bookshelf and smirked to yourself. You then pointed to the bookshelf.

"That's the basement," you said suppressing a smile. The turtles looked at you with confused faces and you struggled not to laugh.

"Umm. Is she okay," you heard Raph ask Donnie. Donnie shrugged.

"Maybe she's crazy dudes," whispered Mikey not so quietly. But the look on Leo's face. His blue eyes were full of confusion and concern, his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. That tipped you over the edge and you burst out laughing. After you settled down, you wiped the tears out of your eyes and the boys just looked at each other.

You smirked, reaching for your copy of the dictionary that you had on the shelf and pulled it down, making the bookcase pop open and reveal the set of stairs to your basement behind it. You chose the dictionary as the hidden lever because no one ever takes it off the shelf. Not like anyone ever came to your house anyway.

"Whoaaa" they all said in awe and Mikey pushed past all his brothers to go down first. He disappeared into the darkness of the stairs and yelled up to his brothers.

"GUYS! Its a basement!" Leo rolled his eyes and Donnie went to examine the shelf.

"Did you do this yourself?" He asked, looking at the metal parts. You nodded.

"Yes. I did it for my parents. They wanted something unique." Donnie glanced at you, but something in your eyes told him not to ask. You led
them down the stairs to find Mikey looking at all your gym equipment. Raph walked over to the punching bag and lightly tapped it.

"Nice equipment ya got here," he grumbled out. You nodded and looked at the boys. You pretty much had a full gym down here, so you decided to let the boys use it.

"You guys feel free to use any of this stuff whenever you want. Bathrooms just over there," you pointed to another door. Then you led them around to the other living space where a couch and tv sat. "One of you can sleep here tonight if you want. Probably Raph cause he's the biggest and takes up the most space." He nodded and you gestured back up the stairs.

You took them back up and towards the backyard, your happy place and favourite place of the house.

"This is the backyard. Just be careful no one sees you in the daytime," you said as you opened the blind then the door. You walked out onto the sunshine and the turtles followed suit, gaping and staring at the beauty that was you backyard. You were surprised they hadn't crushed anything last night when they fell from the portal. Flowers of all breeds and colours were strewn about your backyard, beautiful trees giving shade to some areas. Rocks formed paths all they way around and sitting in the middle of everything was a beautiful in ground pool.

"So all this is yours?" Asked Leo with wide eyes, trying to take in everything around him. You nodded a little. Donnie and Raph looked at you with questions in their eyes. You sighed.

"I already told Leo but I guess you should all know as well," you said walking over to a chair and sitting down. "My mom was diagnosed with cancer about a year and a half ago. I had just turned 17," you took a deep breath and saw the guys staring at you. Even Mikey was silent for once. "On the way back from one of her chemo treatments around a year ago, my dad and mom were in an accident," you felt tears come to the surface and Leo came to your side and sat down in a chair next to you, offering as much support as he could. "They both died. I've been on my own ever since. Since I was so old, I opted out of foster care for the year until I was 18 and I just stayed here. I just got my nursing certificate and I'm working at a hospital now." You saw the sadness and shock in the other turtles eyes.

"Y/n," the purple banded turtle spoke first. "I am so sorry for your loss. That must've been hard." Raph seemed sort of uncomfortable, since the hothead turtle wasn't the best with feelings, and shifted from one foot to another. Mikey couldn't take it anymore and bolted over to you and gave you a monster hug.

"Don't be sad dudette. We're here now! We can totally be your new family dawg!" He said and his excitement was kind of contagious. You giggled and patted his carapace. He pulled away, baby blue eyes bright and happy. You smiled at him and he bounced up. You checked quickly to see if any of your neighbours were watching, but you had a high fence so no one could see over it. Feeling eyes watching you, you turned to see Leo again staring at you. When he saw you look, he also stood up and laughed nervously, putting a hand on the back of his neck. You just gave him a small smile then looked at the others.

"Alright then. That's it for the house tour. You guys are welcome to do whatever you want. Make yourselves at home," you gestured to the house. Raph grunted in agreement and looked at you.

"Is it okay if I used your gym to train for a while?" The big turtle asked. You nodded.

"You don't have to ask me. Whatever you guys want. My only rule is don't burn down the house. I'm looking at you Mikey," you glanced at the orange banded turtle, who was looking at a butterfly on some of the flowers. He stopped and looked at you, shooting a thumbs up. You sighed and rubbed your temples. "Alright. I'll be back. I need a shower and different clothes. Remember what I said about not burning down my house," you yelled over your shoulder as you went inside, leaving the boys outside to do whatever they wanted.

Leo watched your retreating form, sadness still in his eyes for the loss of your parents. He wondered how you did it. If he had lost any of his brothers or Master Splinter-... he didn't know what he would do.

Boring chapter I knowww. It's just a filler to get the boys to trust you. I'm sorryyyy.

I would appreciate it if you guys let me know how you want it to go or if you have any requests on a chapter or something.

Leave comments and tell me how I'm doing!!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now