6- Answers- Mikey

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Your POV

Mikey was indeed a good cook, and you worked great as a team, working around each other perfectly when you each needed something. Mikey started on making a second batch of batter since he knew how much his brothers ate. So you and him practically slid around each other in something like a practiced dance, never missing a step or running into each other. Leo and Raph watched in awe as you two worked and talked to each other.

"So Mikey," you started as you poured some more batter into the pan. "I already talked to Raph and Leo, so is there anything you wanted to ask me?" He smiled and shook his head, then stopped and thought for a moment.

"Actually, yeah. How did you end up so pretty?" He shot you a flirty smirk and you punched his shoulder lightly before flipping your hair over your shoulder dramatically.

"I was born this way bro," you said wiggling your eyebrows and making all three of them laugh. Mikey and you switched placed as you added some salt to the batter and he flipped the pancake with expert and practiced ease. You giggled as you slid smoothly back around each other and he stirred the batter while you shuffled the pancake, before easily sliding it off onto a plate with the other large stack of food.

"With the way we work around each other, we could be professional dancers dudette," Mikey grinned at your finished product and you fist bumped before turning to grab toppings and utensils.

"Hey do you got strawberries?"

"Top shelf behind the butter in a blue lidded container," you answered without looking. He grabbed strawberries, whipped cream and syrup and you set out five place settings at your table. "Alrighty boys. Foods up," you said and they all came over to the table excitedly. Then you realized something.

"Where's Donnie?" You asked. Mikey shrugged as he sat down.

"Ah he's still in the room. I think he's awake but I think he's trying to figure some stuff out on his laptop." You nodded and took his plate, filling it with pancakes and then asking the boys how he liked them done. Leo answered first.

"I think he likes everything. But I'm not sure. He's not too picky," then the blue leader ate a bite of his food. "And MAN these are good. You might even beat out Mikey for the best chef,"

"Hey!" Protested Mikey.

"Mikeys right," you said as you finished Donnie's pancakes. "That was fully a team effort." Mikey grinned and Leo playfully rolled his eyes. Raph wasn't even paying attention anymore. He was too busy eating what he considered to be the best pancakes he had ever eaten. "Also you couldn't even cook this without burning down the entire house fearless," you poked fun of his cooking talent and he stopped, fork halfway to his mouth.

"Fearless?" Raph chuckled from his spot. You winked at him and started to leave the table.

"Yeah hot head. I'll be right back. I'm just going to check in on Donnie." The others nodded in shock at their new nicknames and you picked up the plate of pancakes and headed to your spare room.

Sorry for it being so short. I couldn't think of anything Mikey would ask so I turned his into just having fun.

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now