3- Sleepless Night

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A/n: I'm just doing a bit of editing right now just in case you're wondering.

Your POV

After finishing the movie at 5 with the boys, you thought about where each would sleep. They insisted it was fine and they could sleep on the floor, but you disagreed. Because Raph was the biggest, and Donnie was the tallest, they could take the spare room. Mikey happily called sleeping on the floor with them so you set out a small air mattress for him, earning a hug from the orange clad turtle and a grin from the other two. The only one left was Leo. You looked around. You had your room and the small pull out couch left. He stood with his hands folded together and waited patiently, his blue eyes sparkling in the dim light of your house.

"Now that the boys are settled in, I'll grab my phone and some stuff and leave you to sleep in my room," you said. He frowned and shook his head no.

"I can't just take your bed," he replied. You crossed your arms.

"You aren't taking it. I'm giving it to you," you smirked, knowing you had him. He stopped and thought for a moment.

"Touché," he replied chuckling. You walked past him, blushing as you brushed his armour, and grabbed a few things from your room, only to find Leo attempting to pull out the couch and make it for you. You grinned and watched as he struggled with it for a few minutes, then went to help him. He looked at you and blushed when he noticed you giggling.

"Sorry," he said quietly. "I've never pulled out a couch," he said standing back and letting you work.

"It's fine," you laughed out as you grabbed the handle. Pulling backwards, you stumbled and fell into Leo's plastron while he caught you. Looking up, all you saw was his backwards face looking down at you with those eyes. Those damn eyes got you every time. He sat you upright and you blushed so hard you thought your nose was gonna start bleeding.

"I'm just gonna-... *ahem* I'm going to grab some blankets. I'll be-.. I'll be right back," you stammered out, scurrying away to the closet.

Leo's POV

He caught her just as she was about to fall over and she looked at him. He had to admit, she was cute. She obviously was a leader, and was very kind just judging on the way she offered her home without question. The thing he noticed most though was she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She had beautiful (e/c) eyes and long hair. But something was odd. The way she flinched when she brushed his armour, her blush. He stood and waited as she got blankets, his mind wandering back to their conversation.

"You have a fear of letting down your brothers because you're their leader. You're always trying to be perfect and never get a break," she yelled at him. He thought about those words and wondered how much more she knew about him. Then he wondered if everything she said, she actually meant. Then she reappeared with a stack of blankets to hand out. Leo dipped his head in thanks and went to lay on the tiny couch bed, hoping she wouldn't catch him. He was wrong. He moved half an inch and she turned, pointing a finger at him.

"You even so much as think about taking that couch and I promise you, ninja or not, I will kick your butt." Leo raised his hands in surrender, but grabbed some blankets one she left to at least make the couch bed while she was gone. Y/n," he thought to himself. Such a nice name. Then he went back to making the couch with blankets, looking at his work proudly when he finished.

Your POV

You wandered into the room where Raph, Donnie, and Mikey were sleeping and saw Mikey already passed out on the floor while Raph and Donnie sat and talked quietly. They looked up when you knocked softly. Donnie gave a small smile and you smiled back, holding up the extra blankets.

"Here is some blankets, just in case you need them. I know y'all are cold blooded so-..." you stopped and Donnie came to take them from you, but you quickly grabbed one off the top to cover Mikey with.

"Thank you," he said quietly. You had to look way up at him since he was so tall and smiled.

"No problem. I hope you sleep well. Or as well as you can. I have some more answers to your questions tomorrow. But for now I think we all need some rest." They nodded and you unfolded Mikeys blanket, laying it gently over him and smiled when he shifted in his sleep to huddle with the new warmth. Then looking back up, you frowned when you saw Raph holding a particular spot on his arm.

"Are you okay Raph?" You asked. He grunted in response and nodded.

"I'm fine. Nothin' ta worry about," he grumbled in his deep accent. Donnie looked over at him and raised one side of his mask then over to you. You crossed your arms. "Okay I will tell you the same thing I told Leo. Ninja or not, I will kick your butt. Now tell me what happened." He looked down and took his hand off his arm, revealing a large gash that was bloody and red. You winced and went over to it, gently pulling his arm towards you. "Raph," you sighed. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" He didn't look at you.

"It's not that bad. I've had worse. Besides, ya did so much already. I didn't want to make you do any more than you needed ta," he said and you chuckled as Donnie just stared at the gash.

"Don't worry Donnie," you said, noticing his gaze. "I work in a hospital you know," he looked semi relieved and nodded. "I'll be back." You wandered out to the bathroom to grab some supplies to clean Ralph's arm with, along with some spare gauze and tape. You went back into the room and quickly cleaned his arm, making small talk with the turtles as you worked. Glancing at Donnie who didn't take his eyes off you the entire time until when you finished, you nodded a goodnight and promised that you would answer questions tomorrow. Besides, it was already 5:39am, but at least you didn't work this weekend.

"Umm. Thank ya ma'am, for doing this," said Raph. You smiled and went to the door.

"No problem. And it's Y/n," you said as you left.

You put away the gauze and bandages and a wave of mental tired washed over you. You knew you probably wouldn't be sleeping much tonight but it was worth a shot. Going back out to the couch, you saw Leo still there and you looked at him.

"You can go to sleep you know," you said. He rubbed his neck nervously and you blushed.

"Yeah. Um-... I know. I just-..." he started and sighed. You tipped your head. He laughed nervously. "Sorry. I'll let you sleep now. Goodnight." He said quietly. You waved as he turned and went to your room. Once he disappeared, you sighed and flipped backwards on the couch, rubbing your face. You thought about what had just happened and what you were going to do.

Then a thought hit you. The story you were writing today. It ended with the turtles going through a portal... they just popped out of a portal...


Uh oh. Are you gonna tell Leo? Or will the guys ever get back to their own dimension??

Love y'all

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now