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"Don't worry it'll feel good to you.. to relax and let someone else take control. We'll take it easy tonight."


He slowly removes his grey plaid blazer hanging it on a mounted coat hook next to the door and my eyes zero into the seat of those matching tailored pants. I'm looking for the blessed print, but all this red light makes it a little difficult.

"How long have you had your shed?"

He tugs up gently on his belt in a quick motion and his two fingers come down in front of the bulge, curling to guide my gaze back up. That little motion, he could repeat inside of me. I shift feeling a spot form in my panties. Nevertheless, his face is almost as appealing, devilish in this lighting.

"Two years and I've been meaning to expand, but time.."

"Busy professor," I pout with a playful sigh. "So many students to take advantage of, so little time." He hangs my purse on the second hook.

"Exactly. Y'all keep a nigga busy."

He unbuttons the first three buttons of his navy button down exposing those strong clavicles and his hand slides down the rest of the buttons to his belt on his way past me to a lever on the wall. I press my knees together wishing it was my hand.

"I see we're using the pully tonight," I breathe, looking back at him. "Interesting choice."

He drops down a chain over me that hits my shoulder. It has been maneuvered artfully to hang over the red rug and he slips the gap in the tie between my wrists over a metal hook that he attaches to that suspended chain. It's an impressive pully. I've worked with rope, but not a chain.

"I figured you'd like it. Pick a number 30 to 100."

"69," my lashes flutter.

From the tall black dresser of drawers, he takes a roll of black bondage tape. It makes that satisfying scotch tape sound as he snatches a long strip long as the extension of his arm to wind firmly around my forearms binding them together as he squats before me.

"You should get comfortable and take that constricting shirt off," I nod to his humor as I watch him in front of me. He rips the end of the tape with his teeth.

"Hm," he smiles. "Anymore questions?"

I take a breath. I'm ready for penetration.

"Curious minds want to know.. How many students have you brought back here?"

Ripping a piece of the tape he puts it over my mouth and tosses the roll so it scitters across the floor. I have to take another breath through my nose as I briefly wonder what I've gotten myself into.

Hell Loves Satin: Tales of a MasochistWhere stories live. Discover now