Chapter Seventeen: Planning and Preparation

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"How exactly are we supposed to stretch 20,000 bleeding soldiers to take over an entire country and potentially rescue Barrow's entire family?" Cameron says, arms crossed and brows furrowed. She's an annoying child, but she's got a point.

"Well, that's exactly what Miss Barrow is going to tell us," Princess Iris says smoothly, looking my way. Everyone waits for me to speak, and I think fast.

"Okay, well, here's what I know. I'm strong enough to blow out of Archeon's electric grid, especially when I'm, um, angry." There's an awkward enough silence that I decide to just continue on. "Right, so, that's what I've got. While the 'lec is off, we--"

"Sorry," Maven says, politely raising a hand. I just stare at him. "What's 'leck'?"

"You know, 'lec! Like 'lec papers. Gives us bleeding lights and running water," Cam says impatiently.

" you mean electricity?" Iris says, confused. 

Farley groans, and says "Try not to sound quite so condescending next time, eh Your Highness? Not all of us had full-time, wonderous electricity at every moment."

Maven looks slightly abashed, but Iris glares back at the Scarlet Guard commander. "You were not the only one who grew up with electricity," she says to me and Cameron. "Norta always had the technology, though we had the food. There was some truth to the war."

"And you," she continues, turning to Farley. "You grew up in the Lakelands too. You know just as well as I do what the electricity is like there. We did not mean to mock you by asking what 'lec is. We all simply grew up differently, though we share much in our origins."

"Maven and I are Silvers, and royals too. It is true." She gestures to the younger Calore, who locks eyes with me. There is guilt and understanding swirling in the blue. "But we are not so different from you. A flower's nectar may flow different colors, but it is nectar all the same."

There is a silence at her words, and I shock everyone by saying "Sorry." Honestly, I'm a bit offended at how comically surprised the room is. I mean, it's not like I never apologize! Just...rarely. "I didn't mean to...we didn't mean to underestimate your sufferings. It's just...hard sometimes. I've lived with Silvers for years now and it's still new to me."

"To be fair, we haven't exactly shown you our best side," Maven says darkly. There is a deeper silence until Farley finally gets us back on topic.

"Right, well, to answer Cameron's question with Mare's reasoning, I think the best plan is to split the 20,000 into groups. As for dividing, I--" But I interrupt Farley.

"One group with Evangeline, one group with Iris, one group with Farley, and one group with me" The three women's eyes snap to my face. "Three powerful abilities and a badass general with each color of blood." Farley nods approvingly, and even Cam grudgingly agrees with a slight tilt of her head. "Lightning, water, metal, and military precision. Eve and a mix of Reds, Newbloods, and Silvers charge Ascendant utilizing the mountain's core. There are precious metals for mining in the base of the city, and the Magnetrons can use this to their advantage. They draw out Anabel and Davidson as well as their troops, and then Iris's group moves in. It's a mountain fortress, right?" Farley nods, confirming.

"Yes, we saw that when we visited. Their entire infrastructure is built into the mountains that comprise the region."

"Great. Iris?" She quirks a dark, perfectly sculpted brow. "Drown 'em out." She gives me a wicked grin, and I see Evangeline is warming up to the idea too. "It will be chaos. They will be too preoccupied defending the Premier and his family while their lesser troops defend the city. This is where Farley and I come in. Farley and her soldiers will storm the city while I blow out the power grid. I know I can do it," I say, watching minuscule sparks twine between my brown fingers. "Archeon proved that. It'll be dark and we will have the element of surprise. While the soldiers do their part, Cameron, Farley, and I will find our families. Morrey, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Kilorn, Clara, Gisa, Bree, Tramy, and my parents. We're gonna get them all."

"And Elane," Evangeline whispers as if a little afraid. "She's strong and she's fierce, but...find her. Please." My brown eyes lock onto Eve's black ones, and an understanding passes between us. I won't let her lose the one she loves. And I would never judge her for who it is that she loves.

"And we will get Davidson and Anabel in a room, and we will negotiate. Then, we find Cenra and Tiora," Farley says, looking at Iris. The Lakelander princess hardens under her gaze, but she nods briefly. "Good job Barrow. I'll run it by Command,'s a plan."

"And what should I do?" A soft voice, inquisitive and polite but firm and authoritative rings out. Maven.

"I'm sorry, but you are not going to be on the field, Calore," Farley says firmly, steel in her blue eyes. There's anger in Maven's blue eyes too, though.

"Damn right he's not," Cameron mumbles, glaring at the fire prince. Oh boy. Before this can escalate, I step in.

"Maven," I look at him. He looks at me, anger and hurt still swirling in the blue depths of his irises. He thinks he's not good enough. "I know you are strong and capable. But it's just not safe. Harlow could be out there, and she's the one who..."

"I know," he bites out.

"It's just, we don't know who to trust and you're a bit more susceptible to Whispers--"

"You think I don't know that?!" He glares at me, angry tears welling in his eyes. My heart breaks for him. "I know what it is to be at a Whisper's mercy. Better than any of you!" He's yelling now. "But I can't just...I can't just..." He's quieting again, getting control of his temper. The room cools again, the sudden flare of heat dissipating as quickly as it came. "I can't just do nothing."

Suddenly, an idea hits me. "You won't." They all look at me. "Iris, with your permission...why not he watch Calla Lily and Lotus?"

"Who's Lotus?" Evangeline asks, her eyebrows scrunched up.

"The dog, you daft bimbo!" Cameron says with an eye roll.

"Why you--" Eve swarms for her.

"Yes, Miss Barrow!" Iris chimes in loudly, putting a stop to the impromptu fight. I can't help but giggle, and Maven softly nudges me in the ribs. He's smiling too, though. "I think that's a great idea. You are...good with kids, Maven." They smile at each other, and I feel...jealous?!

"Lily?" Iris calls, and the young girl shyly comes out. Iris puts an arm around her little sister, and the whole room visibly softens. The dog, Lotus, trails after her, golden fur glinting in the sunlight, tongue wagging. Eve steps back, disdain on her face.

"Who doesn't like dogs?" Cam mutters, and I actually snort.

"Mare!" Maven hisses. "You're gonna get turned into a target board for a very angry Samos!" 

I try to school my expression to be more neutral, but I still murmur out of the corner of my mouth "I could take her." Maven smirks, and I try to will away the butterflies I feel when his lips look like that.

"Lily, would you and Lotus like to stay with Prince Maven? While we deal with mean Montfort?"

Lily gives a sulky look at her big sister. "Stop treating me like a baby, Iris!" We all laugh this time, except for Maven. The princess huffs. "See, Mavey is the only nice one here. Yeah, Lo and I will stay with him!" She runs up to give him a hug, and I have never seen so much light in Maven's eyes. It brings light to my own. Even the dog licks his hand!

Farley had watched the whole thing with a bemused expression, and now she shakes her head. "Right, then, it's settled. Let's go make preparations for invasion."

That certainly kills the mood.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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