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Nayoko is sure of her answer, and as she ascends the staircase leading to the courtyard, her nerve only steels.

Lawrence awaits her beside the fountain, draped in a gold cloak and the royal colours, green and black. When he notices Nayoko hovering near the entrance he flashes her an uneasy smile and waves her over.

Nayoko greets him with a deep bow, "Your majesty."

"No need for formalities, my friend. Walk with me."

The two make their way from the courtyard to the halls, empty without the sounds of war echoing in them. As they approach a pair of bronze, gilded doors, Nayoko realizes their destination.

"The Great Hall."

"Yes," Lawrence answers, "It's empty and no one will disturb us here. There is much to discuss."

Of course, Nayoko remembers, I came here to turn you down.

Power ebbs from the ornate, golden chair that sits in front of the wall opposite them. The plush velvet seems inviting, drawing someone naïve and careless enough to approach and take a seat, but Nayoko knows better; the bloodstained carpet that covers the length of the hall tells her so.

Lawrence ignores the throne that dominates the room, moving to the balconies adjacent to it instead. Not wanting to lose him in the massive hall, Nayoko quickly follows. They stand, overlooking the gardens, and Nayoko realizes she can feel the heat of the body next to hers.

"We played here as children, Alice and I, before my father moved me back North for my training."

Nayoko nods, having heard this story from the gossip frequently exchanged in the library.

"She was like a sister to you," Nayoko finishes for him.

Lawrence nods, deep in thought, gazing into the distance. Without the weight or threat of being killed, Lawrence looks young and beautiful. The tightness in his shoulders has disappeared and he has an easy smile on his face. All of a sudden, Nayoko can't stop the tears that she had buried.

"I'm sorry," she murmurs.

Lawrence turns and holds her close, worry creasing his brow as he whispers in her ear.

"It's alright. You did what you had to. There's no need to shed tears over what's already been done."

"But–" she falters at the intense look in Lawrence's eyes, "You loved her. I cannot fathom how much her death must hurt you."

"Her betrayal cut deeper. When she turned her back on the alliance and rejected the teachings of the Archives, we all knew what we had to do."

"And yet," Nayoko says through tears, "You remember her so fondly."

"The Alice I knew has long been gone. You remember, don't you? When we studied together she was eager and kind. No one could've predicted that she would become a tyrant."

"And our enemy," Nayoko adds.

"And our enemy," he agrees.

Lawrence stands back and wipes the tears from her cheeks, allowing her to catch her breath and regain her composure.

"But it's alright. I can no longer live in the past. If I let Alice's death haunt me, I'll be consumed by all the ghosts of those who have died at my hands." He falters, "But we've won the war. We've grieved and wept and mourned the losses but we won. And here I stand, victorious with you beside me" Lawrence beams, eyes becoming wet, "And I couldn't be happier."

Nayoko wraps her arms around his neck and, forgetting all boundaries and the fact that Lawrence is soon to be crowned, hugs him tight. Lawrence squeezes back and his breath begins to flutter.

"And to think," he continues, "that I can still be content after so much pain, that I can still allow myself the happiness to be by your side. It almost feels selfish."

"You're not selfish for wanting to feel happy," Nayoko says, fighting back more tears.

"I'd like to think that."

They stand on the balcony in each other's arms, feeling the last rays of sun disappear beneath the horizon.


She looks up at Lawrence, waiting for him to continue.

"Become the Archivist, and rule by my side."

"I–" Lawrence doesn't allow her to continue.

"Helena wanted it to be you, and I couldn't agree more. No one knows the continent as you do. You're well read, well traveled, but most of all compassionate. There's no better fit to tell this country's story."

Nayoko turns her head, feeling the intense gaze of Lawrence burn into her skin.

"I can't do it. I can't let you down."

"You won't. And you won't be alone," Lawrence smiles.

She looks up at him, puzzled.

"Tanya will be helping you, by your side, as your advisor. You will have the Empire's full support with me backing you as the Emperor. Please."

Nayoko looks up at him, at his golden eyes and olive skin, at his curly black hair and dimples and the scar that stretched from his forehead to his chin. Then she turns, gazes out into the garden and beyond, into the war-torn city with smoke billowing into the sky. She can hear songs and lutes as the townsfolk celebrate the first night untarnished by clanging steel and blasts of cannons. She turns back to Lawrence and smiles her first smile since her graduation from the Archives.

"How can I refuse?"

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