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The terms of surrender, already drafted before the final battle, were signed by all the ruling parties present, including Nayoko. Her messy scrawl sat right below the neat script of her lord, Lawrence, Prince Ahmund and Archival Advisor Tanya. It would be read out loud the following morning at Central Square in the Capital, announcing the official victory of the Northern Empire, officially ending a decade-long war.

The camp fell into an uneasy peace, but as there was no more to be done other than wait, Nayoko began to make her way to her tent for some much-needed rest.

Horse in tow, she weaves through makeshift hospitals and groups of soldiers milling around, waving at her comrades on stretchers and crutches. As she nears her destination, Tanya runs up and falls into step beside her.

"There is still business to discuss," Tanya says, monotone.

"I'm tired."

"It is of utmost importance that we do this now rather than later."

Nayoko spins to face the other woman, eyes hollow but fists clenched. Dried blood flakes off her forehead as she wrinkles her brow.

"What more is there to do?" she snaps.

Tanya cautiously takes a step back and her eyes widen a smidge. The fight leaves Nayoko.

"Apologies," Nayoko murmurs.

Tanya nods, "I understand. These are matters of great concern, however, and his majesty would rather have this smoothed out before the official announcement next week."

"My tent, then?" says Nayoko, too tired to be concerned.

Tanya offers another nod and follows.

The tent's thin canvas walls offer little privacy, and both women stand close as they talk with hushed breath. The candlelight and books and scrolls scattered on tables and chairs make the dingy space seem cozy and almost nostalgic, but the atmosphere is tense and heavy as Tanya paces the room. Nayoko unclasps her breastplate and gazes into the marred surface. The chips and dents signalled that the steel was near its end, but she doubted she would need it again.
"The council has elected you to succeed Helena as the Archivist."

Nayoko drops the breastplate she had just started cleaning in surprise.

"Me? Are there no better candidates?"

"His majesty suggested you as an option, given your..." Tanya drew a breath, stiffening, "rigorous work ethic and academic achievements. The prestige that comes with your family name is an added benefit as well. The others seemed to agree. They believed you to be a good fit in restoring the Archives to its former glory."

"Do I have any say in the matter?" Nayoko bites her lip.

Tanya frowns. "I wouldn't suggest turning him down, but you're free to do as you wish."

"Then tell him I refuse. Tell him I'm grateful he holds me in such high regard but as only a minor scholar, I am nowhere near qualified to lead such a... powerful institution."

Tanya sighs, moving towards the opening of the tent and brushing aside the flap.

"I'll give you the night to think about it."

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