Chap.11 : We are just fans.

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I'm laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Today is Thursday, which means 2 days left before we fly back to LA. Only 2 days left. I decide to get up and order breakfast since Haley is still sleeping. I then go take a shower as I hear my phone vibrating.

From Henry

Hey you're awake yet? You didn't answer my call yesterday.... I have something to tell you.

To Henry

Hi sorry Henry I was busy hanging out with Calum Hood! Can you believe it haha How are you?

From Henry

Oh wow you're lucky (: well Actually I wanna talk to you can I call you?

I'm about to answer his text when I hear Haley talking to me.

"Hey babe you're awake? I got a text from Ash you wanna go out with them today? They'll be recording and ask if we wanna go with them?"
"Really? Absolutely I'm in!"
"Alright I'll go get ready then!" She then pulls me into a hug and I decide to answer Henry

To Henry

Um I need to go out we're gonna be with 5sos all day, but I'll call you tonight okay?

From Henry

Yeah okay have fun! Bye





We knock on the door and see Ashton standing there, wearing a hoodie with black skinny jeans.
We then notice Cal and Mikey right behind him, only wearing their underwear. Ashton invites us in and I hug All the boys. They don't seem embarrassed at all and that makes me laugh. We then go downstairs once the boys are ready and we take Luke's car that drives us to the studio.





"Um guys meet John Feldman, we're working with him on our album. John this is Emma and this is Haley they won the contest to meet us and OneD and so they wanted to see the studio" Ashton says. We then sit on the couch as Calum has to go record their new song called "independence day".

I watch Calum performing and am amazed by his talent. He looks so happy when he sings that makes me smile. The way he sings, the way he looks at me when he does, and how passionate he is. Watching him perform is my favorite thing in the world. I wish I could stay here with him, with them. I've never been that happy.

"So what's going on between you and Cal?" Ashton asks as he sits beside me.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I don't know you two seem close, you went out together yesterday and he told me he had a good time so I'm just asking"
"It's true we had fun I like hanging out with him but there's nothing between us Ash"
"Well you know I think you both could be good friends."
"We could.... But we're going back home in 2 days so I don't really know. I hope we'll keep in touch but our lives are so different we wouldn't be able to see each other a lot so yeah we'll see"
"Still, you can text each other so that we could see you guys again if we ever come to LA"
"Is this conversation about me and Calum or about you and Haley?"
"What do you mean" Ash says, obviously blushing.
"I mean I know you two like each other so if Calum and I become close friends you two could see each other more ofter and that would be cool right?"
Ashton chuckles and just answers "yeah of course"





Once the boys are done, we decide to go back to the hotel and order pizzas. It's funny how we've become that close to these boys in such short time. I really love them and I'm just sad that everything will be over in two days.

"Hey Em babe your phone is ringing, I think it's Your mom calling" Haley says as we're watching The amazing Spiderman. I answer her call and go to the bathroom to get some space.

"Mom! What's up is everything okay?"
"Yeah hon I'm fine how are you?"
"I'm great, really it's amazing here we're having such a good time I don't wanna go home I wish you were here with me"
"Oh I'm glad you're having fun sweetie, did Henry call you?"
"Yeah he did but we couldn't talk so I'll be calling him tonight. Why did he talk to you?"
"Oh he just has some things to tell you. Anyways go have fun tonight I'll see you on Saturday, I really can't wait! Bye honey I love you"
"Bye mom, I love you too!"
I then hang up and go back in the room with my friends.





"Do you think he'll forget me?"
Haley asks as I'm busy removing my make up in the bathroom.
"Who babe, who could forget you?"
I ask as I sit on the bed next to her.
"Ashton. I mean not only him but also the guys. You think they'll forget us once we're gone?"
"Oh hon I don't know, I don't think Ashton will he took your phone number, plus he told you he likes you right? So no he...."
"Emma, they're famous. We're fans. We are just fans. They took our number but will never text us. They won't call us or anything and they will forget us. We're too different. They're on tour, they're living their dreams and we're just two teenage girls in senior year that fangirl over bands that don't even care about us. They'll be on tour. They'll forget us and that hurts me and now I'm crying great."

I stare at her as she's crying and don't know what to do. She's right. They'll forget us. And that's killing her. I mean I'm used to it. I'm used to people forgetting me. But she's not. She's never left anyone, and them forgetting her will hurt her more than anything. I need to protect her. I need to cheer her up.

"It's okay Hales, I'm sure they won't. I promise they won't. I promise Ashton won't." I say as I hug her. She's still sobbing but seems to be calmer. She'll be okay. I'll make sure she is.





Haley's POV

"Oh shit Henry!"

I hear Emma say as I open my eyes. I haven't slept a lot last night, probably 4 or 5 hours. I was too busy thinking about today. Our last day here in London.

"Is everything okay Em?"
"Oh you're awake! Well I was supposed to call Henry yesterday and I totally forgot and now He won't answer his phone. I feel so bad Hales" She says with a sad look on her face.
"Hey babe that's fine okay? We'll FaceTime him tonight but today is our last day we have to enjoy it!"
"Yeah I know you're right. There's a party tonight right? What should we do today?" She asks and I immediately know what my answer will be.
"I suggest we go shopping!" I say standing up in excitement.
"GREAT IDEA! Plus I have a dress to buy for tonight"

Emma says and I just walk towards her and pull her into a tight hug.

"Thank you for yesterday. And for every other day,too. Thank you for being my best friend Emma"
"No thank YOU Haley, come on let's go buy this dress!"


Guys here's the 11th chapter! I tried to make it longer, I really hope you liked it and you still love the story! Vote, comment and stuff, I love you <3 -C

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