Chap.5 : Calum?!

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"Calum, can I talk to you please?"

Ashton asks. Wow. Awkward. I don't know why Calum asked that question or why he looked at me while asking it, but I feel so embarrassed right now. We all do, to be honest.

Ashton's POV

"What the hell mate?!" I whisper, trying to speak low so that the girls won't hear.
"What is wrong with you?! You know we're not allowed to ask such questions, we could get in trouble!"

"Oh come on Ash, I do what I want I'm punk rock" Calum replies, laughing.
"This is not funny. Stop acting like a child. All you ever want is to make out with girls and have sex with them, but this is different. We're meeting fans Calum. THEY ARE FANS!" I say, trying to sound as bossy as possible.

But then I can notice Calum's getting angry, and soon he screams "I don't give a shit okay?! You need to stop acting as if you were my big brother or anything, I don't care about what y'all think, if I wanna have sex, if I wanna date fans, that's MY problem, and there's NOTHING you can do about that!"

He then runs towards the door and gets out of the dressing room, slamming the door angrily.
I turn around to see the boys, Haley and Emma staring at me, probably not understanding what just happened.

Emma's POV

"And there's NOTHING you can do about that!"

We stay silent, shocked of what we just heard, and soon Calum is running towards the door and slamming it very angrily. He looks very upset, and that makes me feel really bad. I look at Ashton and I realize he must feel really guilty.

I don't know why but when Haley sees his sad face, she immediately stands up and hugs him. He hugs her back and I feel torn between wanting to comfort him and wanting to go out and chase after Calum, who must feel really bad too. But I stand up and join the group hug.

Calum's POV

After walking all over the corridors I decided to go rest a little in the living room. I lied on the couch, thinking about what Ashton just told me. I know I'm having sex with random girls and I play with them and it's not a good thing to do but he has not right to say that to me. He's not my dad, he can't control everything I do. And even if those girls are fans, I just asked them a simple question. I don't know, I find Emma very pretty I just wanted to know if she's dating someone.

Anyways, now that Ashton and I argued I realize maybe he was right, maybe I shouldn't have asked that question. That was stupid. And I know It hurts Ashton to argue with me. Especially when I say those kind of things. Maybe I should've apologize before yelling at him and running away like I did. And now I don't know what to do anymore. I can't go back to the dressing room, that would be too weird. But I can't stay here, cause if the management learn I've left the room they'll get very angry.


I stand up really quickly when I realize someone entered the room.

"What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be with your fans?!"
"Lola no I.... The thing is...."

"We're playing hide and seek!"

I then notice Emma entered the room too, looking at me with a huge smile on her face, probably proud of the lie she just made up.

"Hide and seek? Wow you guys are weird. Well okay, I'll see you soon then."

Lola leaves the room as Emma sits on the couch, right next to me.


Okay so short chapter but so many things happening haha! I'll update Chap.6 soon! Thanks for the nice comments it means a lot! Love you <3

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